
Perfect Bar Releases a Seasonal Pumpkin Pie Flavor and you Need to Try It.

Tis' the season. The PSL is back at Starbucks, Trader Joe's is rolling out their fall food line, and Perfect Bar has just released a limit batch of Pumpkin Pie flavored bars. Hold up. Say what..?

Oh yea you heard me right. Perfect Bar has decided to join the pumpkin flavored food game and has created a new Pumpkin Pie flavored bar fitting for the fall season. This bar is made up of a peanut butter and honey base and contains dried organic pumpkin and a variety of spices. To read all about the nutritional benefits of Perfect Bars check this out. These bars are the real deal. 

I was lucky enough to get my hands on one of these bars to put this new flavor profile to the test. En route to class, I grabbed the bar out of my fridge and quickly devoured the whole damn thing. Whats new? Perfect Bar killed it again.

Flavors of Fall

Now you've probably had your fair share of pumpkin flavored foods over the years. Some better than others, but I have to tell you that this bar is different. There isn't that overwhelming pumpkin flavor that can leave you feeling like you've just inhaled a pumpkin spice scented Yankee candle. The pumpkin pie profile is definitely there, but it is subtle. For me, the flavoring came through in the aftertaste and left me feeling satisfied rather than with an icky taste on my tongue.

Tasty and Healthy

I have found that many pumpkin flavored products can overstimulate the senses and end up tasting fake. Perfect Bar knows that pumpkin flavored syrup is not real food, and that is what I believe the difference in flavor profile is with this bar compared to that of a pumpkin pie flavored Pop-tart. They very easily could have added an artificial flavoring agent to give their bars that pumpkin spice taste, but they held true to themselves and their beliefs and added real, harvested, organic pumpkin. The addition of real ingredients is what gives this bar its subtle, yet unique pumpkin pie taste. 

The Verdict

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this limited batch seasonal flavor, and I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. I am a huge proponent of what Perfect Bar stands for in terms of real food for the well-being of the body. They continue to impress with each new flavor they release, and the introduction of their first seasonal flavor is just a precursor for what is to come. Perfect Bar is about to take the health scene by storm. 

Are you eager to try the Pumpkin Pie flavored bar for yourself? Head on over to ASAP to pre-order a box of your own. This is a limited batch flavor and will only be available online August 14th-17th. Hurry people, time is ticking, and I promise you won't want to miss this.