
How Travel Helps My Anxiety and Mental Well-Being

Anyone who knows me well will know two basic things. The first is that I love to travel alone, and by love I mean I take every opportunity. The second is that I have been diagnosed with anxiety. I avoid most socialising in large groups, hate being late with a passion (and by late I mean anything other than 5 minutes early), and I get anxious just leaving the house. The sort of anxious where my heart feels like it's going to explode because it's going so fast, and breathing becomes less of an automatic life skill and more of a burdensome chore.

Travelling with anxiety might seem impossible, but I have found that my anxiety is actually better when on the go. If I am super awkward while travelling, no one is ever going to see me again, or they may assume it's a cultural thing. If I choose not to communicate, people assume I don't speak the language (I normally don't, but I do learn basic phrases), and I can choose not to participate in hostel-run activities.

In fact, travelling is freeing for me. Away from the usual social constraints, I can choose to climb mountains, spend hours in a museum, or just sit and have coffee. Plus, no one has any expectations of me because I'm alone (even if they stare at me while I'm lost in a subway station).

In contrast, my uni life and life at home is pretty busy. I'm the sort of person who seems extroverted with the amount I'm out for coffee; in reality, I'm a real homebody who will crash as soon as I return home. It has taken me three years to finally sort out how to manage my time in a way that's best for my mental well-being, but this doesn't stop the rush of anxiety as I go to new places with new people. In fact, I still actively avoid it, or drag a friend with me - and that's okay.

Unfortunately, my anxiety doesn't conveniently disappear while travelling. I still get anxious; it's why I plan so extensively, and I rarely make the first move in speaking to my hostel mates. But being on my own time, in my own space, and with my own plans, is super beneficial. And even if I come back tired from travelling, my well-being is boosted

If you're struggling to get out to nature, or need a break from general life but are anxious about traveling, then go for it anyway. Speak to people you know who have; they'll (hopefully) be as positive as I am about it. You may love it, whether travelling alone or with friends. Plus the freedom to make your own plans and spend time relaxing, away from work or school can be super beneficial. Even just going over to a new city counts. 

Spending time doing what you love can soothe anxiety, and I'm fortunate enough to love exploring and traveling (although my budget isn't...). If travelling isn't your thing, something will be. But if it is your thing, then give it a go; fall in love with multiple countries as I have, and have a great time.