
5 Ways to Keep Your Bank Account Happy During the Holiday Season

It seems like every year, once Halloween is over, everybody jumps right to Christmas. November 1st cues Christmas decorations and "All I Want For Christmas Is You," on endless repeat in every department store ever. Although the holiday season is a great time to see family and spend some quality time, it's not the best for your bank account. 

Here are some tips to keep your bank account happy during this holiday season:

1. Start Shopping Early

We all know you say you're going to get your holiday shopping done in the summer, but it's obvious that isn't realistic. Instead of waiting until the last minute, and going crazy trying to find the perfect present for everyone, start shopping now. It will give you extra time to think about your purchases for your friends and family, so that you avoid those regrettable, quick buys.

2. Budget Yourself

Before you start shopping, create a budget. Give yourself a maximum spending limit so that when you go out, you always have that number in the back of your mind that you can't surpass. Use your budget or maximum spending limit to keep you focused. It also helps you put more thought into your gifts so they mean more. Realistically, how much is grandma going to care about a crystal paperweight even though it's sooo shiny?

3. Don't Be Afraid to Be Creative

Oftentimes, the gifts that mean the most are the ones that cost nothing or close to nothing. They are the handmade things — cards, memory boxes, etc., so don't be afraid to make gifts on your own. Chances are, the person receiving the gift will cherish it a lot more because you took the time to sit down and make something for them instead of buying it. They're happy and so is your bank account. Everybody wins. Don't know what to make? Try these DIY photo mason jar coasters.

4. Sales, Sales, Sales

While the holidays do cost a lot, there are also plenty of ways to save. Stores are starting to put out their Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals/ads. Start looking around to see which store has the better deal on whatever it is you're trying to get. Take advantage of the deals. Stores like Target offer their Black Friday deals online, so you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home in order to save money. In addition,  take advantage of Cyber Monday deals too, and use websites and apps like Brad's Deals to help scout the early sales.

5. Secret Santa 

Instead of having to buy gifts for everybody, make a tradition out of giving Secret Santa gifts. Make sure everyone agrees on a maximum amount you can spend on a gift that's within your limit. This way, you don't have to worry about spending too much money, you only have to buy one gift, and the pressure is off to make sure every gift is perfect so you can focus on just one. 

Despite the fact that it's at the same time each and every year, somehow the holidays always seem to sneak up on us. Just because they scare you, doesn't mean they have to scare your bank account too. However, if you're still stressed about the holidays in general, take a deep breath and use this Holiday Survival Guide to get you through it.