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Healthy Snacks at D-hall

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at WLU chapter.

It’s 12 p.m. and class just ended. You only have 15 minutes to get across campus, when all of a sudden your stomach starts to grumble. We’ve all been there, but lucky for us, Washington and Lee’s Dining Hall, commonly known as d-hall, keeps many healthy snacks stocked that don’t require a lengthy pick up time. You can’t go wrong with any of these options when you’re on the go.

Banana and Peanut Butter

My Holistic and Wholesome Brunch Experience Bowl bananas
Laura Subiaur

This snack hits the spot at any point during the day. Just grab a to-go cup, put some of d-hall’s famous house-ground peanut butter in it, grab a banana and you’re good to go!

Vegetables and Hummus

Traveling vegetable cream
Katherine Richter

D-hall always has hummus available at the salad bar (except for breakfast). Be on the lookout, sometimes they serve different varieties! Hummus has been shown to promote weight loss. My personal favorite veggies to dip are carrots and celery.

Sunflower Seeds

Washington and Lee Dining Hall cereal wheat
Sarah Silbiger

Sunflower seeds don’t have to just be for salads! Either grab a handful or a cup full before class. They’re perfect to keep in your dorm room too. I love having these when I’m craving something salty, but also am not feeling a big snack.


easy vegan meals porridge cereal
Christin Urso

D-hall keeps oatmeal packets stocked at all times right by the coffee and tea, by the seating area. These packets are very low in calories, averaging about 160 per serving. It’s a great guilt-free comfort food.


Washington and Lee Dining Hall legume vegetable
Sarah Goldman

I love having edamame in my dorm. They’re an awesome source of protein and are super low in calories (only 122 calories per 100 grams). Another major plus, they are packed with vitamin K1, folate and iron. 

Apple with Peanut Butter

Study snacks apple slice apple
Jocelyn Hsu

You can’t go wrong with apples and peanut butter! DHall’s homemade peanut butter paired with a fresh apple is so satisfying. Peanut butter is a great source of protein, providing you with approximately 7g for every serving. 

So next time you are studying and need an energy boost, go on down to d-hall and grab one of these healthy snacks. Bringing some back to your dorm is the perfect way to combat the freshman 15. Either way, you can’t go wrong with any of these snacks when it’s crunch time. 

I am a neuroscience major following the pre-med track.