
How to Cope with General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Sometimes, I find myself completely unable to concentrate due to overwhelming sensations caused by my own mind. Ever since I was a child, I have had anxiety. Locating the exit to this intricate maze has been no easy task. Sometimes I am able to find my way out; Other, more unfortunate times, I get stuck at a dead end. 

Though I know my anxiety will never fully disappear, there are a handful of things that have brought me to the improved place I am at today. If you're anything like me, try following these recommendations to help yourself tame your brain and ease your GAD.

1. Talk About It With Your Friends

Whenever I am anxious, sharing my feelings with my friends is one of the most helpful tactics. Venting to my friends by telling them what's bothering me is always reassuring because I know they won't judge me. Anxiety is a very real thing, and my friends know it too. They understand how to comfort me with their supportive words, and many of them can even relate.

2. Breathe

Though breathing may seem like an obvious solution, inhaling and exhaling slowly is a key component to getting through my bouts of worry. When I practice breathing this way, my mind only focuses on breathing—not on irrational thoughts. Inhaling and exhaling slowly allows for more oxygen to flow to your brain, which scientifically aids certain anxieties that you are experiencing.

3. Nap

I often find myself unable to get through the day without taking a nap. Napping is extremely important to me because it helps restore lost energy in my body from not sleeping the night before, and it also helps with alleviating my anxieties. When I find myself in a spiral of anxiety, napping is able to give me the mental break I yearn for. When I get home from school, I set my alarm for two hours and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Sometimes, I will even take naps with my dog, Ellie. When my nap is over, I wake up feeling significantly better than before. It's crazy what a quick rest is capable of!

4. Consider Medicine

Though medicine is not for everyone, I don't think I would be at the stage I'm at today without my beloved Prozac (professionally known as fluoxetine). I started taking this medicine a little over two years ago, and my anxiety problems have been gradually improving ever since. When my father first suggested taking medicine to alleviate my anxiety, I was strongly against it. I didn't want to feel like I needed medicine to function happily, and I was so insistent on figuring out how to be happy by myself. I tried to cope with my anxiety for a few more months, but realized that maybe my dad was right: It was time to give medicine a shot. If I didn't like it, I would be able to go off it—Easy as that.

To begin the process, my parents scheduled an appointment with a psychiatrist. At the end of the session, the doctor prescribed me 20mg of Prozac nightly. Within a few days, I was able to tell what a positive impact this medicine had on my mental health. I no longer felt the anxiety flowing through my veins, but instead, I felt genuinely happy. With my Prozac, I now feel ready to conquer any problem life throws at me.

5. Eat Healthier Foods

If your diet consists of Gushers, cupcakes, and more Gushers, you might want to consider changing it up a tad bit. I, too, have eaten super unhealthily at various points in my life, but have actually realized that it's a big trigger for my anxiety. Even if you don't want to eat a salad for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, make space in your diet for some fruits and vegetables. It's not like you need to eat a cup of veggies a day, just a slightly generous portion along with one meal. For example, I add carrots, peppers, and string beans into my dinners each night so my bowl of cheese pasta transforms into a dish that holds at least a little nutritional value. As soon as you start eating healthier, trust me (and my doctors have said it too), your anxiety will begin to ease up.

While these tips may not be the end-all-be-all solution to anxiety, I sincerely hope that you are able to implement them into your life, thus helping your Generalized Anxiety Disorder.