
You're Bloated. Here's What You Can Do.

If you've clicked this link, then you're probably experiencing bloating or have felt bloated in the past. It's more common than you think

As a disclaimer, I am not a doctor (gasp) therefore I cannot accurately diagnose the cause of your bloating, but I can offer some advice that may help ease and prevent episodes from occurring in the future.

Consuming High Amounts of Carbonated Drinks and Alcohol.

Maybe that's not what you wanted to hear, but it's scientific fact that alcohol consumption can lead to bloating. The more you drink, the more your sodium and water levels become imbalanced. This leads to water retention. It's when the tissue inside your body is literally holding onto fluids rather than being released through urination. As far as carbonated drinks go, bubbles are the main offense here. Air that gets trapped in your stomach can make you feel heavy, hence why soda causes you to burp.

Solution? Hydrate. 

The obvious answer is to drink more water. The next best thing is sipping on anything with electrolytes. This means sports drinks, hydration tablets, or for something natural, try coconut water. 

The Flora in Your Gut is Unbalanced. 

There's probiotics and there's prebiotics. Your gut needs both in order to digest food and energy properly. Careful though, too much of either could lead to even more bloating and discomfort. 

Solution? Consuming a Healthy Amount of Pro- & Prebiotics!

For probiotics go for foods that have active bacteria and are fermented. These include yogurt, kefir, aged cheese, sauerkraut and kimchi. There's also a number of supplements that some people have found helpful to sensitive stomachs. The prebiotics are high in fiber, and it's what the probiotics feed off of. Legumes, pomegranates, flax seed, potatoes and bananas are just a few of the foods loaded with prebiotics.      

Being Stationary for Long Periods of Time.

In order to have full advantage of a functioning gut, you have to get your body moving. Sitting for long periods of time can inhibit this process. Sometimes our bodies need an extra boost of gravity or the necessary proper positioning.

Solution? Stretch it out.

This can be as simple as a 20 minute stretching session incorporated into your day. Grab your mat, and go with the flow. Many yoga poses can help get your digestive system moving, and it's easy on the stomach. If you wake up feeling stiff or bloated, a few stretches can set the day off right. Try to wait at least an hour after eating before settling into your practice. A few yoga poses I recommend are forward bend, bridge pose and pigeon.