
Six Subscription Boxes To Get You Through Your Next Period

Periods are not fun, and definitely do not account to being an "enjoyable" time of the month. However, there are ways of improving those dreaded days of pain to make it more tolerable, rather than an unbearable grievance. 

It's no lie that we've all created a laundry list of ideas in order to make our periods just a little better. But, there's no need to search anymore, because here is a list of six subscription boxes that'll make getting through your next period a little easier. 

1. Bonjour Jolie

Bonjour Jolie is great if you don't like commitment, like myself. You can either choose to subscribe monthly, or just one box at a time. Additionally, you can decide on boxes with or without menstrual products. 

For shipping in the U.S., the boxes range from $20.50 to $26.50, and contain a handful of goodies. They come with edible treats, hygiene wipes, pain killers, pampering items, a "unique gift," teas, and, depending on which box you selected, up to 25 menstrual items.

2. HelloFlo

HelloFlo hits all bases by offering kits for three different areas: First Timers, Menstrual Mavens, and Mom-to-bes. Each area has three different kit options, all ranging in price.

First Timer boxes include the Period Starter Kit, which is a guide to the first time. There's also the Period Starter Deluxe, which is similar to the Period Starter Kit, and the Tampon Starter Kit, available to those who are ready to upgrade from pads. The prices for these kits range from $19.95 to $44.95.

Menstrual Mavens includes a Period Shop Kit that containing all the essentials. The Menstrual Cup Kit are for those who are looking to be more eco-friendly. And finally, there's the Period Stash Kit, with four months worth of products. Prices range from $39.95 to $52.95.

Mom-to-be kits include a New Mom Survival Kit, which will last you the first six weeks of pregnancy. The last two kits are the New Mom Kit and New Mom Deluxe, which includes "basic survival gear, plus a pair of comfy underwear." The prices for each kit range from $34.95 to $79.95. 

Additionally, each kit provides a review from recent customers, only creating security in every purchase.

3. Le Parcel

One of the more simple subscription boxes is the Le Parcel purchase. Each box is $12 a month, and contains the brand of tampon you prefer. It really saves you the trip to the local grocery store, by having it conveniently delivered to your front porch steps.

4. Lola

Lola has four box options. There are applicator and non-applicator tampons (which are 100% organic), ultra thin pads with wings, and ultra thin liners. Each box rangers between $9 to $10, with the option of delivery every month or every two months.

5. The Period Store

The Period Store is just that, an online store. After signing up, you create your own package with endless options. You can pick from different tampon, pad, liner, and menstrual cup brands. There's also the option of purchasing tea, jewelry, underwear, and beauty products. 

You're able to really customize the box to fit your needs. The price varies depending on the items you've chosen.

6. The PMS Package

The PMS Package is there to scratch every itch. With the options of mini, original, and premium size boxes, you're bound to find something that'll fit your cravings. Expect hygiene products, comfort foods, and other items.

Prices range from $15 to $30, with the option of add-ons, for example pain killers. Also, you're able to pick the day you're wanting the box to be delivered based on your cycle.

So, don't stress about your time of the month. Try one (or all) of these subscription boxes and make life a little easier.