
5 Spin Bike Workouts You Can Do in 30 Minutes or Less

Being a competitive athlete riddled with injuries over the years, I've had quite a bit of experience coming up with various cross training workouts. However, I'm still not a huge fan of swimming or even biking, so I've turned to making spin bike workouts that are short and productive. 

If you're crunched for time and want a quick sweat before you buckle down and study, these workouts are for you. If you're injured and need some help staying in shape, these are for you. If you just can't stand doing hours of cardio, these are for you. And if you just want to try out something new, these spin bike workouts are also for you!

During these workouts, your warm up, cool down, and light effort periods should all be around the same pace. The goal during the warm up is to start sweating and get your heart rate up. During the light effort periods and the cool down, your goal is to bring your heart rate down from the intense intervals, while still keeping your legs moving. 

20 Minute Intervals

The Workout: 5 minute warm up, 10x (30 seconds hard, 30 seconds light), 5 minute cool down

Tips: When you are going hard for 30 seconds, make sure you turn the bike's resistance up a few twists. When you're giving your full effort for 30 seconds, you want it to be a challenge to keep moving your legs fast. You can stay sitting on the bike, or stand up. Be sure to turn the resistance back down during the light 30 seconds.

Who's This Workout For?: This is a great workout to start with if you're not used to riding on a spin bike. It's also a great option for anyone who's really crunched for time. 

23 Minute Tabata 

The Workout: 5 minute warm up, 8x(20 seconds hard, 10 seconds light), 5 minutes at a steady pace, 8x(20 seconds hard, 10 seconds light), 5 minute cool down

Tips: It takes too much time to readjust your resistance during the 10 seconds light, so either bike slowly at a high resistance, or come up to standing to bike. During the 20 seconds hard, really push yourself; it's only 20 seconds! If you have more time, feel free to add in an extra set of the Tabata, just don't forget to cool down after!

Who's This Workout For?: Need to burn off some steam? This would be a good workout for you. The Tabata style makes this workout a bit more intense, while still keeping it short. 

28 Minute Threshold

The Workout: 5 minute warm up, 2x(90 seconds hard, 30 seconds light), 3 minutes at a steady pace, 2x(90 seconds hard, 30 seconds light), 3 minutes at a steady pace, 2x(90 seconds hard, 30 seconds light), 5 minute cool down

Tips: Try to keep the same intense pace for the full 90 seconds. If need be, make your light 30 seconds extra slow so that you can give 100% on each 90 second repetition. 

Who's This Workout For?: Threshold basically means "comfortably hard," so if you're looking for a bit more of an endurance workout, this is a good choice for you. I've got to admit though, as a sprinter, this workout is more painful than comfortable for me.

29 Minute Short Sprints

The Workout: 5 minute warm up, 8x(20 seconds hard, 40 seconds easy), 3 minutes at a steady pace, 8x(20 seconds hard, 40 seconds easy), 5 minute cool down

Tips: During the 20 seconds hard, go hard! 40 seconds light is a good amount of recovery, so be sure to give everything you've got. Turn your resistance up high for the 20 seconds, then turn it back down for the 40 seconds.

Who's This Workout For?: If you're not a huge fan of aerobic endurance, this workout is for you. Although you'll still get you're heart rate up high, you'll feel this workout more in your legs than your lungs!

30 Minute Ladder

The Workout: 5 minute warmup, 2 minutes hard, 2 minutes light, 1 minute and 45 seconds hard, 2 minutes light, 1.5 minutes hard, 2 minutes light, 1 minute and 15 seconds hard, 2 minutes light, 1 minute hard, 1 minute light, 45 seconds hard, 1 minute light, 30 seconds hard, 1 minute light, 15 seconds hard, 5 minute cool down

Tips: This workout might look a bit daunting, but here's the gist: For every hard interval over 1 minute, you get 2 minutes light. For every hard interval under 1 minute, you get one minute rest. Push yourself on every hard interval. Remember that the the next interval is not going to be as long or painful as the one you just did!

Who's This Workout For?: I saved the best for last! This workout is my personal favorite. You get endurance, speed, and strength work all in one. This is for anyone who is craving some heavy breathing and heavy sweating.

Feel like these spin bike workouts aren't enough for you? Keep in mind that you can always make them harder by pushing yourself or turning up the bike's resistance. If you're giving 80% on the intervals, give 90%!