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5 Lessons I Learned From Jen Sincero’s “You Are a Badass”

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at FAU chapter.

About a year ago when I got diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety, I came to the realization that therapy wasn’t the right fit for me- at least not at this point where my schedule is literally all over the place. I began diving into the world of self-help books and found a book whose cover title made me believe that I was a badass. Here are 5 lessons I’ve learned from Jen Sincero’s You Are A Badass:

1.  Love the One You Is

Because it is the “holy grail of happiness”. Self-love opens you up to a world of possibility, with great self-love comes great power and that great power benefits everybody. When you know how to love yourself, you get better at loving others. So do the world and most importantly yourself a favor and appreciate how special you are, because there will never be anyone else like you. After all, “you are the only you there will ever be,” according to Jen Sincero, and that’s kind of a big deal. 

2. Comparison kills

Have you ever taken a selfie and felt like your face was the greatest thing that ever graced your Instagram feed? But then you start scrolling down your feed only to find yourself comparing your glorious selfie with countless others, instantly regret putting yourself out there? If the answer is yes, then you’ll be happy to know that your not the only one that waste time comparing themselves to others. Comparison kills everything. Dreams, confidence, even hope if you’ll let it. 

Whenever you find yourself comparing yourself to others, think about Marilyn Monroe. If she had compared herself to every other model out there and decided she needed to lose her curves, she wouldn’t be the influential- dare I say even inspirational- figure that she came to be. You are more than enough. So avoid comparison like the plague because it is “the fastest way to take all the fun out of life”.

3.   Find a role model

As a young college junior with only a vague idea of what I want to do with my life in the near future, finding a role model to look up to was exactly what I needed. Finding a mentor to look up to will help you develop a clearer picture for what you want out of your life as well as provide you with a source of inspiration and confidence to go after that dream of yours.

4. Get out of your routine

There’s nothing wrong with working up a solid balanced routine, but when you get the chance break out of the routine for a little bit. Life can  be a lot more enjoyable when you sprinkle in some adventure time-“talk to strangers, wear something different, try a new grocery store”. I’ve learned that with every inpromptu adventure comes new lessons and new experiences that will keep you inspired.

5. Don’t Negotiate

Probably the most important lesson I’ve learned through this book is to eliminate the negotiation process. After getting diagnosed with anxiety, I made the decision to do what I could to get better because I didn’t want to live a life of just going through the motions, and because I want to experience things and live a life that I will that would be proud to write in a memoir someday. That decision needs to be watertight because excuses will seep through any little cracks,  and before you know it I could be back to my old ways. Don’t settle and don’t negotiate.

Although it’s always a work in progress, Jen Sincero’s “You are a Badass” has taught me so much and brought me one step closer to becoming the badass I know I am.

Socially Anxious cool Cat🐈 Amateur Wonderer ! Professional Misspell-er of Words 🖊