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Sophie Caplan

BU '23

The daughter of an avid home chef, I have grown up surrounded by gourmet meals cooked with love and care. I appreciate food as not mainly a necessary source of fuel, but as a way to connect with people in exciting and enjoyable ways. Having lived in Boston for the past few semesters, I constantly find myself drooling at the sights and smells that come from endless restaurants down the city streets. However, being a college student with funds that are unfortunately not endless, I often find that I must pass by in longing and settle for whatever the dining hall has served that night. It is always a treat when I can eat out, making the meal that much more satisfying.With quarantine came lots of time to explore new hobbies, my favorite of which being cooking! As a novice, I love trying to recreate my favorite dishes and play around with flavors and ingredients. Being kitchenless back in the dorms, however, is not a roadblock but a challenge! I've found some crafty ways of putting my microfridge to use and am eager to return my spoon to the bowl share some more microwave cuisine with friends.

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