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Shannen Kogos

Hofstra '21

I was born and raised in South Brooklyn, one of the top immigrant capitals of the world. I am the child of two Russian immigrants and grew up eating pilmankchiki and borchst.  When I'm not busy in college studying to be a physical therapist, I skateboard, practice Mixed Martial Arts and write short stories. My goal is to travel to the top foodie destinations in the world and try the best restaurant in each location. I became interested in traveling to Manhattan/North Brooklyn to try different foods in my sophomore year of high school when I got tired of eating french fries and mediocre pizza. I quickly became the food guru amongst my friends and constantly referred them to my favorite restaurants for the cuisine, occasion, and neighborhood of their choice. I'm known for my honest and detailed reviews of what I consume; I will judge the food like Simon Cowell judges contestants on America's Got Talent. Sunday Brunch is my favorite activity, and I'm excited to share all of my food adventures on Spoon.