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Moriah House

Moriah House is a National Writer at Spoon University. She writes about all things related to food culture, from Trader Joe’s tips to TikTok trends. Beyond Spoon University, Moriah works as an elevator operator, which has its ups and downs. Her first job was at a frozen custard shop, and although she still loves dairy desserts, she is currently taking a break from the ice cream industry. Additionally, she serves as Views Editor for the FSView, Florida State University's independent, student-run newspaper. Moriah is currently a Senior at Florida State University, majoring in Anthropology with a minor in Geography.In her free time, Moriah enjoys baking chocolate-chip cookies, attempting to learn Italian, obsessing over cool plants, and going for podcast walks. She loves reading, and would be delighted to give you a book recommendation. Her favorite foods are peanut butter, banana pudding, and anything involving eggs and cheese. She is trying to teach herself to cook, and is very proud of her roasted potatoes, pasta salad, and frozen pizza. Her drink of choice is a frozen margarita, and she liked cottage cheese before it was cool.