My name is Jenna and I love to read and write! I have a twin sister, but she is the total opposite as in she loves her science and math rather than writing and reading. I also have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is a disorder in my gut that causes some foods to hurt me and makes me bloat. For instance, I can't eat gluten, dairy, or soy, and there are some single foods that irritate me a little as well like avocados and broccoli. I am also a runner so this challenges me to make sure I am eating enough for the exercising I do, which then challenges me to create/ find fun new recipes that are still very yummy and fill me up! I have my own blog that I made while I was on my study abroad trip, and really enjoyed writing it. I hope to go into editing and publishing once I finish college, but we shall see where life takes me!