Ever thought about melting that hollow chocolate bunny that appears on shelves around Easter-time each year? Probably not. But these guys did.
You may remember Dutch artists Lernert & Sander from the perfectly cubed food that we went crazy over (#knifeskillz). That was pretty sick. But this… well, this is something else.
Apparently their first video, created in 2007, was made to teach children that they can’t always get what they want while also “shocking” them out of their comfort zone.
Whether this video made you cringe, laugh, cry, confused or even feel bad for the poor little guy, it’s pretty fucking great.
I mean, if you weren’t blown away, he sure was. Sorry, lil’ fella.

Gif courtesy of Vimeo
Legit gone with the wind. Bye, Felicia.

Gif courtesy of Vimeo
You can basically see the fear in his eyes.

Gif courtesy of Vimeo
Or maybe not…

Gif courtesy of Vimeo
Okay, I guess these Dutch guys did teach us something. Like, maybe now you’ll rethink that tanning bed you long for every winter.

Gif courtesy of Vimeo
You can’t always look like you just went to Cancun without consequences, children.

Gif courtesy of Vimeo
So much wisdom it’ll blow your mind. Take notes before it’s too late.

Gif courtesy of Vimeo
But let’s be real for a second. What a great way to use expensive Dutch chocolate, right?

Gif courtesy of Vimeo
Who doesn’t want to face palm a terrified looking chocolate morsel with an iron?

Gif courtesy of Vimeo
Yes, bunny, cry me a river. With your face.

Gif courtesy of Vimeo
The anticipation is killing me. Jk, just the bunny.

Gif courtesy of Vimeo
Okay okay, it’s all fun and art. But just look at him… he’s basically asking for it.

Photo courtesy of Lernert & Sander
So here it is: the bunny, the myth, the legend. Enjoy.