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16 New Year’s Resolutions That Aren’t Eating Healthy

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at NYU chapter.

Say what you will about New Years resolutions – I think they’re awesome. Sure, you can do all these things any time of year, but why not treat January 1st as a new beginning? If you’re on board, check out my 16 resolutions for 2016 – all, of course, related to food. And if you do want to make a few healthy resolutions, you can check them out here.

1. Do some good.


Photo courtesy of UC Berkeley Food Pantry

You saw this one coming, right? ‘Tis the season, but there’s really never a bad time to volunteer at a local food bank or find another way to help with food insecurity in your area.

2. Eat more bugs. Seriously.


Photo by Becky Hughes

If you don’t already eat bugs, you’re clearly missing out. After all, it’s the future.

3. Buy a nice knife.


Photo by Allan Mai

If you already have one, sharpen it.

4. Find your signature cocktail.


Photo by Becky Hughes

Doesn’t matter if it’s super bougie or really janky – it’s cool to master a drink that you can whip out when it’s your turn to host.

5. Read up.


Photo by Tim Sackton

If you’re crazy about food (and of course you are), you’ve gotta check out some food lit. Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma and Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential should be on your short list.

6. Cook an old family recipe.


Photo by Becky Hughes

As if you needed an excuse to call home. Have mom/dad/grandparents send over a recipe that’s been in the family forever and try your hand at it.

7. Get caught up on the best food movies.


Photo by Alina Polishuk

Need a new Netflix obsession? Plus, an excuse to have friends over and eat everything.

8. Take yourself on a date.


Photo by Isabelle Chu

Are you solomangarephobic? I feel your pain. But 2016 is the year of being a confident badass and going solo-YOLO to your favorite restaurant and enjoying a meal with the best company ever – you. 

9. Cut out bluefin tuna.


Photo by Rachael Piorko

Bummer, right? But if you want to make a small difference with your food choices, peep this site to learn what kinds of seafood are most sustainable.

10. Tip better.


Photo by Jaye Lind

If you’ve ever worked in food service, this one needs no explanation. Don’t be a college kid stereotype. For more tips on what you should and shouldn’t do in the new year, check this article out.

11. Master the art of the egg.


Photo by Caty Schnack

Maybe you’ve heard of the infamous “egg test” – the ultimate test of a chef’s ability, according to Thomas Keller, isn’t anything fancy. Being able to cook an egg perfectly upon request is the sign of true talent. But hey, even if you’re not the next Food Network star, it can’t hurt to kill the egg game.

12. Clean out your pantry.


Photo by Sarina Raman

Whether you’re a nut butter pack rat or a spice hoarder, it’ll feel SO GOOD to clean out your pantry stash.

13. Stop dieting.


Photo by Becky Hughes

Surprise – nutrition is actually super easy.

14. Invest in one nice dish.


Photo by Phoebe Melnick

Invest in a sexy serving platter that’ll make microwave pizza rolls look fancy.

15. Waste less.


Photo by Becky Hughes

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. We gotta stop with the food waste.

16. Eat up, eat well, and enjoy!


Photo by Phoebe Melnick

Happy new year! Let’s make 2016 a good one.