I always loved baking. As an only child, I had to find independent ways to entertain myself, and baking became that outlet. I went from messing around with Play-Doh cookies to acting like a little master chef with my Easy Bake Oven.
Baking seemed like magic to me back then. I loved the idea of taking a bunch of ingredients and crafting something new and exciting. Baking made me feel like I could turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Photo by Maria Glander
For me, baking is like a soothing therapy session. Where some see the chaos of constant motion, I see beauty. The kitchen is my oasis, and baking is my escape.
I am definitely a stress baker, as I learned in high school under constant stress and pressure. I was always worried about my grades and comparing myself to my friends even though I knew it wasn’t healthy. Whenever I had a bad day, got a bad grade, or felt overwhelmed by my work load, I would stress bake. My hands learned to float through the motions, measuring, mixing, and rolling dough. All of this gave me a sense of control even if things were stressful in the world outside of the kitchen.

Photo by Maria Glander
Baking takes my mind off of worrying and puts my life on pause, allowing me to breathe. The more stressed I felt, the more ambitious and complex recipes I attempt to master. I’ve made my way from simple chocolate chip cookies to flourless chocolate cake to apple pie.
It’s a chance for me to free my mind and let my creativity and imagination run wild. I become a kid again, messing around with different ingredients and discovering what I can create. I am always trying to come up with my own twist on classic recipes or invent the new cool dessert hybrid. I mean, who wouldn’t want to say they are the mastermind behind the next best treat since the Cronut?

Photo by Maria Glander
Since my addiction to baking has evolved, my go-to for recipes is the Brown Eyed Baker’s blog. Her dessert recipes are sinfully delicious. One of my favorites is the recipe for salted caramel chocolate chip cookie bars, which are to die for, but not quite guilt-free. I love spending hours searching through countless recipes to ease my mind. It allows me to discover myself, what interests and excites me, and what I am capable of.

Photo by Maria Glander
Baking can always make a bad day better. Plus, there is the added bonus of being able to share your baked goods with those around you to brighten their day as well. One of the most important lessons I have learned from baking is that sometimes the best baked creations come out of mistakes.
So why not try baking? I mean, who couldn’t use a little sweetness in their life?