We wanted to give a huge shoutout to the trendiest and most talented Instagram users, who have been tagging their out-of-this-world-good Instafood with #spoonfeed. We envy your photo skillz and stomachs. Keep tagging, Instafriends.

Photo by @lhea_
Honestly, we don’t know what this is. It’s labeled muffin—more like the muffin of my dreams.

Photo by @goodfuntimeeats
Doing the famous NYC bagel some justice, one luscious layer of lox at a time.

Photo by @justdigin
Can’t help but think this looks like Nemo. Regardless, this orange-y seafood dream is definitely a food my stomach would like to be friends with.

Photo by @wendykou
Sorry…I think I just went into sugar coma. Don’t underestimate the power of the chocolate-banana-nut crêpe.

Photo by @rbrtsusi
“Bite Me.” — red velvet ice cream sandwich.

Photo by @c.e.foods
All you need to know is four words: Frozen. Chocolate. Banana. Bites.

Photo by @jumpinsalmon
El Loco Moco straight from Hawaii. Aloooooha, indeed.

Photo by @nycdining
Do you see that cheese? That, my friend, is what dreams are made of.

Photo by @miraaaacle
This lobster’s on a roll.

Photo by @bakedbyberlin
Summertime skyline and ‘scream via Smorgasburg.

Photo by @empireplateofmind
Fruity Pebbles + waffle cone. Your heart just skipped a beat for the sugar high your child-self missed out on. No fear, your adult body will appreciate it just as much.

Photo by @hannahgiardina
Golden brown, slightly charred ‘mallow and ooey gooey insides—@hannahgiardina’s technique is off the charts. #spoonfeed your s’mores after you try one of these 12 ways to step up your s’mores game.

Photo by @spoonuniversity_duke
This eggs benedict is making us sing “Don’t break my heart, my eggy breaky heart.”

Photo by @raeburwil
The Haven Burger from Burger Haven. Say that five times fast.

Photo by @missnewfoodie
Dubbed the “Queen of PB.” Calling this the greatest thing since sliced bread is an understatement.

Photo by @stillinthekitchen
All hail the Shakshuka, topped with arugula and paired with crispy buttery toast.

Photo by @dmgood
The leaning tower of S’morkie: no it’s not an underwhelming Italian tourist trap, it’s the revolutionary love child of the cookie and s’more.

Photo by tastybykc
This scallop risotto is the classiest meal our eyes have seen in a long time.

Photo by @amandasteigs
Who said you needed National Doughnut Day to eat one (or a dozen) doughnut? Not us.

Photo by @kosherkaufman
KosherKaufman adds some much needed veg to the glorious combo of dough, red sauce and cheese in the best way possible.

Photo by @nycdining
It doesn’t have to be your birthday to treat yourself with the confectionary goodness that tastes like presents and cheesy Hallmark Cards. Emphasis on the cheese, cream cheese.

Photo by @amberlowey
Tastes like buttah, whipped-butter.

Photo by @lindseymlaw
Can I have this smoothie bowl, pretty please with coconut flakes, cacao nibs, blueberries, granola, banana, chia seeds on top?

Photo by @jliss4
Broadway Bites killin’ it again with these golden kernels of spicy goodness.

Photo by rlopez809
This pulled pork with the unidentifiable rich n’ creamy topping is making us weak in the knees.

Photo by @annietrimber
Sippin’ on wine and grilled salmon: sounds like the perfect summer dinner.

Photo by @tymbussanich
Good thing Instagram doesn’t have 140 character limit or there’s no way we would know about all the layers of this double patty, yam fries, mushroom, cheese, lettuce, caramelized onions, BBQ sauce burger.
Remember to follow us on Instagram and tag your Instagram photos of food with #spoonfeed to join in on the food porn fun and have a chance to get recognized by our thousands of followers!