Best “new” sports drink for recovery? Chocolate milk. We can’t really complain.
All the years of choosing white milk in the lunch line were wasted…now we must make up for lost time.
What separates chocolate milk from white milk (other than the obvious, better taste)? Does it really refuel you after a workout, or is it just an excuse to be six years old again? Here’s the answer:
Black and White
To begin to understand why chocolate milk is so nutritious, we must go back to the source: white milk. It has nine essential nutrients: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, protein, vitamins A, D, and B12, riboflavin and niacin. No wonder we were encouraged to drink it so often as a kids — if it is low-fat or fat-free, a glass of milk is a fantastic addition to your everyday routine.
So why is chocolate milk cited as a great post workout treat when it has the same protein content (roughly 8-11 grams in a cup) as white milk? The secret is in its sweetness — because chocolate milk has more sugar than white milk, it has more carbohydrates, which help it reach that 4:1 ratio that Spoon reported on recently. Carbohydrate content doubles when you swap out white for chocolate, which, according to Fox News, triggers insulin levels to spike, driving glucose into muscle tissue and replenishing energy stores. Without this spike, muscles won’t recover properly.

Photo by Hannah Lin
The Dark (Chocolate) Side
Most packaged chocolate milk is made by mixing a chocolate syrup or powder into low-fat milk, so high-fructose syrup could be present — a substance that we should (and could!) cut back on. This is especially true if there is no output of energy, and the sugar is destined to be stored as fat, rather than used as energy. We advise sticking to chocolate milk post-workout, but don’t pour a glass for each meal.
Awesome Ways To Drink It
If you’re looking for new ways to incorporate chocolate milk into your life (and now that I’ve tried it, I know I am!), look no further…
Milk and Cookies

Photo by Hannah Lin
Relive the good ol’ times of childhood with Nilla Wafers and chocolate milk before bed.
Margarita Style

Photo by Hannah Lin
Sprinkle some sea salt on the rim of an icy glass. Salty and sweet…

Photo by Hannah Lin
Dunk in some Oreos for a new twist on everyone’s favorite.
Carbo Load

Photo by Hannah Lin
Pour it over your morning cereal: Cocoa Krispies and Cookie Crisp encouraged. Maybe you’ll run the marathon after…nah.
Make All the Cool Kids Jealous

Photo courtesy of
Doesn’t it feel like the lunch line and cafeteria all over again? Will there be recess?
Check out our recipe for homemade chocolate milk, and drink up!