The only downside going to a school with a quarter system is how fast paced it can be. As a new quarter begins, the stress rises as we attempt to plan class schedules, search for easy classes and adjust to new studying methods. For many, meditation is the best escape. These foods will help you make the most of it.
1. Yogurt

Photo by Rosalind Chang
A research conducted by UCLA demonstrated that probiotic yogurt is able to change the gut bacteria, which helps strengthen one’s immunity and lower one’s blood pressure. Yogurt can also improve the way our brains work, deepening concentration which is critical for mediation. Even frozen yogurt works wonders.
2. Tea

Photo by Rosalind Chang
The origins of meditation come from China, and tea is historically linked to activity. Unlike milk which facilitates your sleep, tea keeps you awake thanks to caffeine. Tea is a good choice in keeping yourself alert. The caffeine plays a role in calming your nerves and helps you concentrate, leading one to be more efficient in striving for mindfulness.
3. Milk

Photo by Rosalind Chang
The fact that milk is good for our body seems to be common sense. Milk contains plenty of potassium, which has been shown to offset the muscle spasms when a person feels tense. Full of Vitamin B2 and B12, milk helps you sleep and get a good night’s rest, which is important for everything involving the brain. Chocolate milk works too!
4. Tomatoes

Photo by Kirby Barth
Tomatoes have plenty of vitamin C, which is widely considered to be useful in lowering your stress. According to a study conducted in Japan, participants who ate tomatoes more than six times a week had a significantly lower risk of forming depression. Researchers are still trying to figure out whether lycopene, the chemical component that makes tomatoes deep red, directly affects the mental well-being. And there are so many ways to enjoy them.
5. Nuts

Photo by Rosalind Chang
Full of antioxidant Vitamin E and zinc, nuts such as almonds, pistachios and walnuts are good for boosting the immune system. They also contain plenty of B-Vitamins, which help you manage stress and depression. Researchers have shown that nuts improve the function of our brains to solve problems, yet another important part of meditation.