Believe it or not, there’s a simple and satisfying solution to your late night hunger pangs: dulce de leche. The name alone evokes thoughts of silky sweet, rich caramel goodness, and lucky for us, this Argentinian dessert is just about the easiest thing to make. All you need is one can of sweetened condensed milk, a pot of water and a little time. Spoon some on top of fruit, cake or bread, or my personal favorite, enjoy it straight from the can.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 2-2.5 hours
Total Time: 2-2.5 hours
Ingredients: One can of sweetened condensed milk (any brand)
1. Place can of sweetened condensed milk on its side in a pot of water and bring to a boil.

Photo by Ellen Barry
2. Let simmer for 2 to 2.5 hours, topping with water as needed. Make sure the can is completely covered with water at all times. The longer you let it cook for, the firmer the dulce de leche will be.

Photo by Ellen Barry
3. Remove can from water and let cool for half an hour before opening.

Photo by Ellen Barry
4. Open can and enjoy!

Photo by Ellen Barry