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7 Beers You Thought Only Existed In Your Wildest Dreams

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Wash U chapter.

If these beers don’t prove that anything is possible, well, maybe check out a video recording of the first man on the moon. But if the power of hops is enough to make you believe, read on brave soul.


 1. Sweet Baby Jesus


Photo courtesy of bear-flavored.com

If the phrase: “everything tastes better with peanut butter” is your mantra, your wish has been granted. Enter: peanut butter-flavored stout. Finally something age appropriate to wash down that pb&j with, am I right? As for the name, we don’t get it either. Find it here.


2. Sex Panther Double Chocolate Porter


Photo courtesy of hiconsumption.com

What’s the only thing better than chocolate porter? World peace! Just kidding, the answer is double chocolate porter. Despite the name, simply sipping on this beverage won’t grant you any superhuman sexual powers. But then again, after a few of these, anything is possible… Find it here.


3. Coconut Curry Hefeweizen


Photo courtesy of newbelgium.com

To all the critics out there: don’t be so quick to write off this coconut curry-flavored ale. This beer is sort of like an onion: you have to keep pulling back the layers before you can say you have truly experienced its flavor. You might even notice some actual onion flavor when the curry kicks in, not to mention a variety of Asian spices. Find it here.


4. Positive Contact


Photo courtesy of www.dogfish.com

If the fact that this is actually a cider-beer hybrid is not enough to pique your interest, you may be surprised to hear that the combo is not this drink’s most unique quality. The base, which is made from fuji apples and fermented farro, seems innocent enough until you taste the spice from a handful of cayenne peppers added to the recipe, seeds and all. If you’re looking to feel the burn without setting foot in a gym, this cayenne-flavored “bider” (yes, I did just make that word up) just might be the drink for you. Find it here.


5. Wet Dream


Photo courtesy of beersofeurope.co.uk

Coffee addicts rejoice! While we wouldn’t recommend replacing your morning cup of joe with this coffee-flavored beer, it’s the perfect late-night complement to your a.m. caffeine boost. Just don’t down too many or you may find yourself in need of a second (or third or fourth) cup of coffee the next morning. Find it here.


6. Imperial Doughnut Break


Photo courtesy of www.sports-glutton.com

If you’re looking for an acceptable beverage to double-fist your coffee beer with, look no further than this doughnut-flavored stout. I suppose a water would do as well, but that’s no fun. It’s been rumored that there was a nationwide cheer from policemen across America upon this beer’s release. If you’re looking for something more European (or let’s be honest, classier), this brewery also manufactures a biscotti-flavored beer. Find it here.


7. Ryan and the Gosling Beer


Photo courtesy of uncrate.com

Hey girl – I confess that this beer’s flavor isn’t what most would call revolutionary, but if you hold the bottle really close to your face and squint hard enough, it’s almost like the two of you are on a date. I’m sorry, what were we talking about again? Find it here.


Want more on beer? Check out these articles for the best ways to enjoy your next bottle: