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It’s National Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2022!

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Seton Hall chapter.

This article contains discussion of eating disorders and treatment. Read at your own discretion.

The day we’ve all been waiting for is just around the corner — NEDAwareness Week kicks off Monday, and Spoon University at Seton Hall is thrilled to be an official NEDAWeek Collaborator!

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAwareness Week) is an annual campaign to educate the public about the realities of eating disorders and to provide hope, support, and visibility to individuals and families affected by eating disorders.

Eating disorders are one of the deadliest mental illnesses, and an estimated 30 millions Americans — both men and women — suffer at some point during their lives. 

Kennedy Dierks

This year, NEDAwareness Week (which was recently proclaimed a federal week of awareness!) will take place during the week of February 21 – February 27, 2022.

This NEDAwareness Week, NEDA and Spoon SHU invite you to See the Change, Be the Change: #SeeTheChange by recognizing change within the ever-evolving eating disorders field, and to #BeTheChange through advocacy, awareness, and community building.


Since its inception 20 years ago, NEDA has witnessed increased awareness about the prevalence of eating disorders and the diversity of lived experiences. This is largely due to innovative research, legislative action, and societal change aimed at destigmatizing these serious illnesses.

At NEDA, it’s possible to #SeeTheChange each time someone contacts the NEDA Helpline, uses NEDA’s online screening tool, and benefits from research funding.

Kennedy Dierks

Throughout #NEDAwareness Week 2022, NEDA and Spoon SHU invite you to #SeeTheChange as we celebrate progress and look ahead to new opportunities for growth within the eating disorders field, ourselves, and our communities.

Here are some recent successes in the NEDA community, and ways we have #SeenTheChange:

– The NEDA Helpline has experienced a 107% increase in contacts since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

– Nearly 755,000 people have used NEDA’s online screening tool since 2017.

– Since 2013, NEDA has awarded $2 million in research grants to 18 researchers. (To learn more about the Feeding Hope Fund and NEDA’s ongoing commitment to innovative research, check out NEDACon Fall 2021.


Join the Movement. #BeTheChange, and help us build a movement to raise awareness and support those affected by eating disorders.

This #NEDAwareness Week, join a movement and take action to improve the public’s understanding of eating disorders—their causes, dangers, treatments, who they affect, and more.

Kennedy Dierks

Misconceptions about eating disorders have real consequences and support options are often inaccessible. As a result, too many people are left feeling helpless, hopeless, and frightened.

Through programs like NEDA Walks, Campus Warriors, and Warrior Experience, NEDA creates spaces—both online and in-person—for our community to help cultivate change for individuals and families affected by eating disorders.

This #NEDAwareness Week, you can #BeTheChange through legislative advocacy, by attending building lightings and local events, and spreading self-love.

How Can You Be Involved?

Whether you have been personally affected by an eating disorder or care about someone who has, you have the power to help us pave the way for a world without eating disorders. There are several action items NEDA is hoping you’ll take part in during NEDAwareness Week. Here’s the rundown:

Share Your Story. By sharing our stories of what we have learned as we go through our eating disorder and body acceptance journeys, we can continue important conversations and prioritize inclusivity and true representation of who struggles. Tell NEDA what you’ve learned and how things have changed during your own personal journey.

Ask Your Lawmaker for Support. Your lawmakers want to hear from you about the issues you care about! Sending a message to your elected officials will help advocate for more money allocated to research and eating disorders prevention in schools. It only takes a minute to take action, and it can have a powerful impact. NEDA has engaged nearly 8,000 constituents in legislative advocacy since 2020.

Social Media. Don’t forget to tag @NEDA on social media using #NEDAwareness, #SeeTheChange, and #BeTheChange. You can find shareable graphics and messages for social media here.

Spoon SHU is thrilled to be partnering with The Hidden Opponent at Seton Hall and offering a 5-Day Self-Love Photo Challenge on Instagram in honor of #NEDAwarenessWeek.

Each day, there will be a new prompt; post a picture to your Instagram story and tag @Spoon_SHU and @THO_SetonHall and be entered into a raffle to win a gift card!

Join the Community. 30 million Americans of all backgrounds will struggle with an eating disorder in their lifetime, but no one needs to fight these illnesses alone. To find a local NEDAwareness event, visit the NEDAWeek event database.

This year, in-person NEDA Walks will resume in more than 50 communities across the country. You can register for a Spring 2022 NEDA Walk here.

Get Screened. If you have concerns that you might need help for eating or body image concerns, take a first step to getting help. You can take the NEDA screening here.

Helpline. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, please contact the NEDA helpline at nationaleatingdisorders.org/helpline-chat. For crisis situations, text “NEDA” to 741741.

Kennedy Dierks

Thank you for helping Spoon SHU spread the #SeeTheChange, #BeTheChange message this NEDAwareness Week! For more ways you can participate, including ideas for posting on social media, feel free to visit the NEDAwareness page

If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, please contact the NEDA helpline or text “NEDA” to 741741.

Kennedy Dierks

Seton Hall '23

Hi! My name is Kennedy, and I'm a pre-med student majoring in Biology and minoring in Art History at Seton Hall University in New Jersey. I can eat my weight in ahi poke bowls, tikka masala, and Graham Central Station ice cream, and cannot live without Trader Joe's Everything But the Bagel Seasoning. I love anything creative -- music, painting, writing, etc. (my art was featured in British Vogue!), and I'm convinced that I'd be Temperance Brennan from Bones in another life. I'm so excited to be a part of Spoon and share my love for food!