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Ben and Jerry’s to Halt Sales in West Bank and East Jerusalem

Vermont-based ice cream brand Ben and Jerry’s released a statement Monday on their website, announcing that they have put an end to their licensing agreement with their manufacturer and product distributor in Israel after nearly two months of social media silence. 

Ben and Jerry’s has consistently shown its support for various social reform movements, including criminal justice reform, voting rights, and racial justice. But after the company posted a tweet as airstrikes hit the Gaza Strip in May, customers on the platform criticized the tweet’s timing as well as Ben and Jerry’s business in the region, leading to radio silence on all its social media accounts. 

“We believe it is inconsistent with our values for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to be sold in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT),” the statement reads. “We also hear and recognize the concerns shared with us by our fans and trusted partners.”

Ben and Jerry’s consumers and groups surrounding the issue are having mixed reactions to the statement. According to the Associated Press, Ben and Jerry’s has previously received pressure from groups like Vermonters for Justice in Palestine to cease operations in Israel. 

In response to Ben and Jerry’s statement, Vermonters for Justice in Palestine said, “Ben & Jerry’s intended actions fail to address the widespread anger at the actions of the Israeli government against Palestinian people who live in occupied territory, or who are refugees denied their legitimate right to return to their former homes.”

According to the Associated Press, the Yesha Council, which according to its website is an organization formed to promote Israeli communities in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley” has also voiced its opinion on Ben and Jerry’s statement.

“There’s no need to buy products from companies that boycott hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens because of the place they choose to live,” the Yesha Council said.

Ben and Jerry’s also released their statement on their Twitter page, which was met with mixed reactions.

In response to Ben and Jerry’s tweet Avi Kaner, co-owner of Morton Williams Supermarkets said, “We are having a board meeting this afternoon to discuss ending sales of your ice cream in our supermarket chain.”

Also in response to Ben and Jerry’s tweet, Yasmin Khan— an author, broadcaster, and human rights campaigner— said, “Thank you for ending your business contracts with illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank and also for calling out the occupation. You’re on the right side of history.”

However, the manufacturing and distribution halt will not occur until the company’s agreement with its licensee in Israel expires at the end of 2022. Additionally, Ben and Jerry’s will not leave Israel entirely. “We will stay in Israel through a different arrangement,” the company said. “We will share an update on this as soon as we’re ready.”