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Coca-Cola’s New “Life” Drink Is Everything You Never Knew You Wanted

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Manhattan chapter.

Coca-Cola recently released a brand new drink and it’s pretty much the best and worst thing to ever happen. The brand changed its label completely to a lime green kind of color just for this specific line of drinks. The “midcalorie soda” is sweetened with stevia and cane sugar, pretty much making it sugar free. It was just released in the US but hasn’t really made a dent yet. I must admit, although I don’t want to, I kind of like this idea.

Vice-president of Coca-Cola Andy McMillin, explains “We ultimately want to be leaders in this emerging segment, and Coca-Cola Life is our first effort to make this a reality. For consumers looking for a reduced-calorie soft drink sweetened with cane sugar and stevia leaf extract, this is a great-tasting option.”

The brand already offers over 750 beverages in North America alone. With its new Coca-Cola Life, it will now be one of the 45 beverages in the company that is sweetened with stevia leaf extract

It’s only 90 calories for the can and 140 calories for the bottle. Hopefully this one will stick around for a while, I could get used to it. Here’s what some other people are saying about the new product.





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Alyssa Rosello

Manhattan '15