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Channel Your Inner Baker With Samuel Adams Beer Bread Recipe

Baking; it’s something that nearly everyone and their moms are doing during this quarantine, thanks to the pandemic that we’re in. While I’m not one to keep up with the baking scene, it seems like everyone’s making banana bread for some odd reason. If you’re one to follow trends, then if you haven’t started baking already, you’re probably going to end up baking at some point during this quarantine. However, you don’t have to be basic and make said banana bread like everyone else. What you can do is bake with Samuel Adams Beer, and I’ll explain to you how you can do just that.

What to do

Thanksgiving Recipes that Remind Me of Home
Spoon University

Said bread is a 10-step beer bread recipe that incorporates Samuel Adams Boston Lager for a rich, malty and complex flavor. The recipe was created by Axel Erkenswick Co-Founder Smack Dab Chicago, a Sam Adam’s Brewing the American Dream client — another way Sam Adams continues to support entrepreneurs.

The recipe:

3 cups white bread flour

1/2 cup fine whole wheat flour

1 cup rolled oats (optional – oats add texture and flavor. If you skip the oats, decrease beer by ¼ c.)

1 – 12 oz bottle of Samuel Adams Boston Lager®

2 tablespoons honey or another sweetener

1 oz of butter or other fat

1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt

2 teaspoons instant dry yeast or equivalent – Extra flour for working the dough


1. Make sure all of your ingredients including the beer are at room temperature.

2. Start with your liquid in your mixing bowl. Next, add the butter and honey. Top that with both flours, add the year on one end of the bowl and the salt on the other — this is so the salt doesn’t kill your yeast.

3. Using a wooden spoon or your hand, start to mix the contents of your bowl. After you see the liquid absorb, knead the dough for 5-10 minutes.

4. Turn it on to a wooden or other surface and using a little flour on the table, start folding the dough and kneading continuously until you have a smooth dough that springs back when you poke it using your finger.

5. Now add the oats and knead them into the dough. Fold them into it and press them into the dough kneading a few more times to incorporate.

6. Put it into a bowl, cover towel, and place to rest (warm and draft-free location) for 1-1.5 hours until it doubles in size.

7. Scrape it out and gently press it to release gas keeping a round shape. Shape it into a log.

8. Place this into a lightly greased 9” x 5” loaf pan, cover it and its time to double in size again for 1-2 hours. When the dough is almost doubled in size, preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 

9. Score your loaf with a cut right down the middle using a serrated knife 1/2” deep and sprinkle/spray the top with water.

10. Bake your loaf for 35-40 minutes. It will have an internal temperature of 190F to be fully baked. Let it rest in the pan for 10 minutes, take it out of the pan and transfer to a cooling rack.

Of course, if you have some extra beer left over for yourself, you could always drink it while baking. You don’t want to drink to the point where you don’t have a single clue as to what you’re doing, but a beer or two won’t hurt. 

Liz is a 25-year-old freelance writer that's based in Brooklyn, New York with her foster cat, Leif. Liz has received her start in the media world at Spoon University, and has acquired over 3.8 million views on her Spoon articles alone with millions more views on her syndicated content while finding her appreciation for consuming and producing branded content. Liz also has her articles syndicated on Business Insider, Insider, MSN, and Teen Vogue in addition to having her most popular article cited by Elite Daily. Liz has also contributed to YourTango and Entrepreneur.When Liz isn't writing, Liz is probably listening to music, walking around aimlessly like the hot mess that she is, cuddling with her cat, consuming new food dishes and drinks, at an event, at therapy with her one and only therapist that she absolutely adores, at an appointment with someone from her medical team, making up random dance moves in her bedroom, or figuring out what to do with herself. Liz's favorite cheese is feta and a pet peeve of hers is when people don't use the word "simultaneously" in the right manner.To get in touch with Liz, she can be reached at itslizab@gmail.com, @astrrisk on Instagram, and on LinkedIn. Liz is always down to be invited to an event or to talk about food, booze, and mental health. Liz's pronouns are she/her/hers.Please be patient when getting in touch with Liz - she probably is unaware as to what day it is, and might be dancing for her therapist.... to the Macarena, of course.