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Why You Should Join Spoon F&M

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at F and M chapter.

At the beginning of each semester, Club Council hosts an incredible student involvement fair, featuring almost all 90 student-run organizations and clubs. As a first year, my eyes were drawn to the spotlight of impressive graphic designs, logos, and posters at Spoon F&M’s booth. Little did I know that writing my email down on the “interested in joining Spoon F&M” list would radically change my college experience. Get ready to be convinced why you should join Spoon University at F&M. 

Why You Should Join Spoon University at F&M
Anna Gombar

Spoon F&M is a small, student-led club that works with the local Lancaster community by creating events to benefit local organizations, such as Water Street Mission or co-hosting a student discount event with our local Whole Foods Market. Additionally, chapter members have unique positions like writers, photographers, videographers, or editors, which allows them to immerse themselves in their passions without the academic pressure that most students at F&M constantly face. Alright, now let’s dig into some MORE reasons you should join Spoon F&M. 

1. Lancaster is a FOODIE’S DREAM

Why You Should Join Spoon University at F&M
Anna Gombar

Lancaster is a hidden haven for food enthusiasts. The range of options does not only blow away tourists, but local college students and residents. Many restaurants promote Amish farms’ produce or other local ingredients in their menus. With over 70 restaurants, farmer’s markets and local grocery stores, there’s always new food to taste in Lancaster. 

2. Spoon Community

When you join Spoon F&M, it’s not just joining our little community—it’s a whole big community of Spoon members, alumni, and awesome Spoon Headquarters staff. Alumni from Spoon F&M stay connected with one another and can potentially help you post-graduation. Additionally, the Spoon community is full of like-minded, creative, and enthusiastic people. 

Why You Should Join Spoon University at F&M
Anna Gombar

3. Spoon Swag

Another great reason why you should join Spoon Universtiy at F&M is that Spoon University is well-known for their Spoon logo, and we have PLENTY of swag to market, promote, and celebrate how cool Spoon is. At each event, we always try to give out free Spoon swag, but as a member, you could get notebooks, chapstick, or sweatshirts. Pretty awesome!

4. Find Your Stride

Spoon F&M members support each other SO much! We each have our own individual positions, but we get a chance to teach our skills to others. You can choose to be a videographer, writer, photographer, or marketer. We all pitch in together to host awesome events, like serving empanadas from a local restaurant during Spring Arts. 

Why You Should Join Spoon University at F&M
Anna Gombar

5. Leadership Opportunities

Like most other clubs at F&M, Spoon consists of chapter members and executive members. The opportunity to lead with Spoon F&M will give you a chance to plan events, delegate tasks, produce original photography or videography, and even talk to chapter leaders from other colleges or universities. 


Our chapter members are ROCK STARS! One of our photographers created a graphic design with her original photography and it was re-posted nationally by Spoon Community’s Instagram. Your articles can also be featured on Spoon University or other social media platforms or websites. 

Why You Should Join Spoon University at F&M
Anna Gombar

Spoon F&M is a great place for you to grow, eat, explore, and lead. If you’re interested in joining Spoon F&M, please fill out this form! We are ALWAYS accepting new members. 

Anna Gombar

F and M '20