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Dear Spoon #1 – Answers to Your Questions from Cookie Dough to College

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at CUNY chapter.

The Spoon High School leadership team presents: the first ever Dear Spoon. We have returned with answers to your burning inquiries. We hand-picked a small set of questions and crafted our responses in order to help you get your Dear Abby fix. Now, let’s get down to business.

Question One

Dear Spoon
Marisa Palace

Q: How did you join Spoon High School or become interested in it?- Gainesville, FL

A: Like every teenager, we check Snapchat regularly. After seeing Spoon University featured on Food Network’s Snapchat story every Saturday, we knew we wanted to be involved. After applying, interviewing with HQ, and completing training modules, we started right away. Spoon High School has quickly become one of the best experiences we’ve ever had. Even though all of us live so far away from one another, our love for writing, food, and health has brought us together. – Brooke and Sadie

A: I ran a food Instagram, @honeybrunches, where I shared my love of doughnuts and puns with a hungry audience of 1,000. Seeking a larger platform and the ability to share my love of more than just doughnuts, I reached out to Spoon directly, and the rest is history. – Bea

A: From a very young age I’ve had a deep passion for cooking that my dad helped me pursue. He showed me how to chop vegetables, experiment with spices, and design beautiful plates that I shared with my friends and family. A few years ago I found that this passion was much more than a hobby, and I wanted to transform it into something larger. In the fall of my junior year of high school, I found Spoon University’s High School chapter and immediately applied. I didn’t know if they’d accept me because the articles seemed so advanced and I didn’t have any real writing experience. Luckily for me, they took me in and ever since I’ve loved being a part of the Spoon community. – Sydney 

A: When I saw a link to a Spoon University High School article on Facebook, I got so excited. I had been reading Spoon articles for a while but thought the community was only open to college students; needless to say, I was eager to join when I learned about the High School chapter. I have always loved anything having to do with food, whether that means trying new restaurants, looking at foodie accounts on Instagram, or taking pictures of everything I eat. I enjoy writing as well, so I thought Spoon would be a perfect way to combine these interests and meet other high school students who share them. I joined immediately and I’m so glad that I did! – Sophia

Question Two

Dear Spoon ice cream
Carlie Littman

A: One of our staff members, Carlie Littman, cracked the code on easy to make edible cookie dough. Her recipe is completely customizable and is beginner level friendly. Click here to be one step closer to achieving the dough of your dreams. – Sadie

A: You don’t need a recipe to eat cookie dough. I’m all about keeping it simple, with my personal favorite, a large tub of Nestle cookie dough. Grab a spoon and get to work. – Bea

Question Three

Stress eating during finals bread bagel
Denise Uy

Q: I’m going to college away from home and know I’m going to have trouble with healthy eating, especially since I have trouble resisting unhealthy food with a busy schedule now. Do you have any tips for healthy eating with a busy schedule (without a kitchen to cook in)?- Orlando, FL

A: Your dorm is your best friend! Take your days in which you have no classes to prep some healthy meals for the week. Most dorms allow you to own blenders, coffee pots, and microwaves. These can definitely be used to your advantage. You can cook pasta in a coffee pot, blend up a quick soup in your blender, and cook nearly anything in your microwave. These appliances are extremely versatile if you’re fortunate enough to own one. Some dorms even have communal kitchens. These are shared with all of the other floors in your dorm and are open to anyone who wants to cook.

If you’re looking for a no-cook meal, salads are a great option because they can be taken on the go (in a jar or Tupperware) and they are pretty quick to prepare. The key to eating healthy on a busy schedule with no kitchen is to plan ahead and purposely make time for your meals. It’s when you don’t prepare that you encounter those unhealthy last minute decisions. But also, it’s college! Don’t be afraid to bend your healthy eating habits sometimes and enjoy a greasy meal with your friends. Balance is key. – Brooke

A: If you’re not into meal prep, a great suggestion is to check out what your college meal plans have to offer. Most schools offer vegetarian, vegan, and plenty of other organic/healthy options with which you might not even be familiar. Another option for picky eaters that try to avoid specific meal plans are having scheduled snacks that you plan ahead of time. Having protein packed trail mix, granola bars, dried fruit, and crackers and hummus available from the beginning of the week makes it fun and super easy to have healthy options. Keep a journal or running list of healthy snacks that you brainstorm to make it easier to shop for things during the week! – Sydney

Question Four 

Q: How do I deal with a college rejection?- Ann Arbor, MI

A: You should know ahead of time that most people don’t get accepted into every single university to which you applied. It’s important to note that although rejection is a scary thing, optimism is key, and although cliché, patience really is a virtue. Wait it out, breathe, and try to understand that you’ll end up where you’re supposed to be. – Sydney

A: In times like this, it’s pretty easy to get down on yourself. Yes, there’s a chance that a college will reject you. Yes, it will hurt. Don’t run away from it, but instead, feel it. Avoiding your feelings prevents you from healing fully, so you should let yourself experience any negative emotions that you may have.

Once you feel up to it, alter your perspective of the rejection. Although it is naturally ingrained within us to believe so, in no way does an admissions decision represent or mark your intelligence or capability. As the saying goes, “You may not always end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you are meant to be.” 

So make like Dory, and just keep swimming. – Arvind

That’s it for the first round of Dear Spoon answers. If you want to ask us anything at all, from recipes to lifestyle tips, click the link below to anonymously submit a question. Stay tuned to see your questions answered in the second installment of Dear Spoon!

Want to send in a question to the Dear Spoon team? Click here to submit one! 

Arvind Dev is a brownie fanatic who passed his Russian unit on food with a solid 100 and plays Freecell way more than he should.
The key to my heart is through cupcakes, The Office, and puns.
Your local brunch enthusiast and denim aficionado.  I'll never turn down a good sale or a bunch of doughnuts, and definitely not both at the same time. Remote Editorial Intern at Spoon HQ
NYU food studies major, avid Bon Appétit reader, dog lover.