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Why The Whole30 Diet is BS

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at NWMissouri chapter.

It seems like everyone has been trying out the Whole30 diet. It definitely appears like a convincing diet when the people advertising the diet are skinny, fit, and everything your typical Instagram model looks like. The issue with these fad-diets, is that it seems like a quick and easy way to lose weight. We are always on the look out for simple fixes but when it comes to dieting, a fast and simple fix is not always accurate. Dieting is hard, it takes a lot of time, effort, and self-control. There is no “one-size-fits-all” diet, everyone is unique. The Whole 30 diet might work wonders for some people, but it reality it’s total BS.

What Is The Whole30 Diet

Diet vegetable basil
Kelli Haugh

The idea behind the Whole30 is to reset your relationship with food by starting on a clean slate and learning how certain foods can affect your mind and body. This entails cutting grains, added sugars, legumes, dairy, alcohol, preservatives, and baked goods/treats. Some of the rules to successfully complete the Whole30 are, no cheating or special occasions. The creators of Whole30 claim that one-slip up will have damaging effects. They also claim that by removing specific items from your diet, your relationship with food will improve, your tastes and eating habits will change, and even your body composition will change. Basically, if you only eat meat, SOME fruit, vegetables, and natural fats, your life will be changed “for the better”. 

Why The Above Paragraph is BS

Lets begin with the fact that there is no science to support this diet. The only evidence the Whole30 website provides is from testimonials. Ironically, every single testimonial is positive, as if not a single person has ever had an issue with this diet. Also, everyone has slip-ups in their diet. Even people who are masters of self-control cannot always resist a cup of creamy, chocolate ice cream or a slice of that cheesy gas-station pizza (don’t lie, you know it’s irresistible). The Whole30 website claims that the diet isn’t hard. They even compare dieting to giving birth, saying that giving birth is hard but dieting and resisting temptations is not hard. Anyone who has ever tried dieting/eating healthier knows that it is hard. Maybe dieting is not on the same level as giving birth, but it is still a mentally tough process. 

Looking At The Facts

The Whole30 diet does promote eating moderate portions of meat, fruits, and vegetables, and consuming less artificially sweetened foods, which is great. However, this diet becomes dangerous when removing groups like dairy, grains, and legumes. One of the main ways to prevent sickness and disease is to have a wholesome diet. This means eating the right portions of foods, and the right types of foods. It is recommended that every meal contain fruit, vegetables, a grain product, a source of protein, and a dairy product. Unless someone has a health issue with one of these food groups, then we should be eating them. 

If a diet eliminates major food groups, it is probably not worth your time. There are nutrients that our bodies need within these food groups, and if we are deprived from them, it can lead to serious health issues. Not consuming enough dairy can cause bone pain, muscle weakness, and infections. A lack of protein (can come from legumes) will lead to iron-deficiency anemia. Vitamin B6, which is in grains, is needed to have a healthy immune system and prevent anemia. These are only a few complications that can occur from depriving your body of essential nutrients, so imagine all of the other issues that could occur from 30 days of lacking nutrients.

Food is meant to be enjoyed, not banned. It’s true that eating too many carbs is unhealthy, but consuming too much of anything is unhealthy. In order to have a healthy diet, all of the food groups should be included within moderation. The best way to lose weight is to change habits that cause you to gain weight, like overeating. Making sure to exercise everyday is also important. Striving to fit in all of the essential food groups will improve overall health and wellness. Dieting is hard and it will take a lot of effort and self-control. Put yourself on the right path by staying away from these fad-diets, and being more realistic. If you need additional assistance, try talking to a dietitian or your doctor. It’s important to look at the science and studies behind a diet, not just what social media advertises.

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Abbi Brown

NWMissouri '20

I am a freshman at Northwest Missouri State University. I play soccer here at Northwest and I am planning on majoring in Dietetics. I have been a huge foodie my whole! Anything relating to cooking or eating is something I'm super interested in!