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The Best Food Abroad, According to College Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Sewanee chapter.

Studying abroad during college is a great way to be introduced to new cultures and have the opportunity to learn in universities and programs all over the world. Studying in a foreign country can be a life-changing experience, and it’s also an opportunity to try new, exotic, and delicious food abroad! These college students ate their way through various countries, learning about local delicacies, traditional foods, and typical meals from the location. 


food abroad
Isabelle Hale

Dani Martin participated in Sewanee’s Summer in Spain program hiking the Camino de Santiago. Almost every day for lunch the group ate bread, cheese, and salad. Another popular Spanish food is fried calamari, often served on a bocadilla, which is similar to a mini baguette sandwich. She also enjoyed chocolate croissants and coffee at her favorite local cafe for breakfast.

South Pacific Islands 

food abroad
Isabelle Hale

Margaret spent the summer sailing among the islands of the South Pacific enjoying lots of fruit, freshly-caught fish from the open ocean, and food from local markets. The meal shown is a typical Tongan meal consisting of corn beef hash in grape leaves, clams, bread pudding, fried rice, corn fritters, and white wine. She also enjoyed fresh coconuts in French Polynesia and breakfast rolls in Rarotonga! Sounds like paradise to me! 


food abroad
Isabelle Hale

Ali studied abroad in Nantes, France where everyday she had a lunch of a baguette with ham, cheese, and butter. Ali says the amazing butter is a regional specialty where she was studying. One meal at Le Café Marly was avocado tartar topped with crab and a dessert was raspberry sorbet with an almond crisp to top it off. Bon appétit, Ali! 

European Studies

food abroad
Hannah Ehrman

Hannah participated in a unique Sewanee study abroad program, European Studies, and travelled all around Europe. In Florence, she treated herself to gelato and a heart-shaped pizza. You just can’t visit Italy without gelato and ‘za! 


food abroad
Isabelle Hale

In Serbia, Caroline lives with a host family where she has been introduced to many essentials of Serbian culture. Coffee is traditional in Serbia and is prepared in a “dzezva” and the coffee is strong and unfiltered. She says she never wants to drink American drip coffee again! She has also enjoyed “slatko” which is a dish of sweet fruit preserves and lots of bread with every meal. Caroline has also tried Rakia (a popular Serbian brandy made from fruits). Fun fact: this alcohol is so strong that it is often used by some in rural areas of Serbia as a substitute for brushing their teeth!


food abroad
Isabelle Hale

I spent the summer abroad living in Madrid, Spain. My favorite breakfast was tostada con tomate with cafe con leche. The tostada was a toasted piece of bread or baguette topped with olive oil and smashed tomatoes. It could be found in almost every cafe or breakfast spot in Madrid (even in Mcdonalds, believe it or not!). I still crave this fresh tasting meal!

There are so many places to visit and explore with food cultures all vastly different from each other. If there is an opportunity to go abroad during college, make sure to try as many foods as you can. The best food abroad can be found anywhere, it just depends on your expeirence and taste for adventure!

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Isabelle Hale

Sewanee '20