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5 Reasons Why Stuffing is the Queen of all Thanksgiving Foods

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at F and M chapter.

While spending hours in the library cramming in those last assignments before thanksgiving break, the image of that the glorious meal that will be served on the 23rd keeps popping into my head. The butter gliding across the bread rolls, the gravy being poured onto the turkey and finally the steam coming of the delectable stuffing provides my mind with a cornucopia of flavors to look forward to. Basically, I can’t wait to overload piles of stuffing on to my plate. Stuffing is the absolute best part of the thanksgiving meal and I would battle anyone who thinks otherwise. If you are one of those plebeians who thinks there is some other thanksgiving food that is better than stuffing, here is five reasons you are wrong

#1 The Creators of culture, themselves, endorsed it

Stuffing predates the first thanksgiving by about several thousand years. A cookbook from Ancient Rome called “Apicius de re Coquinaria” had recipes which called for stuffed chicken, rabbit, pork, and more. Ancient Rome is where art, literature, and scientific thought were created and now stuffing reveals itself to be one of their most important contributions to modern society.   

#2 Stuffing goes perfectly with your holiday brew

Flying Dog Brewery, based out of Maryland, offers five brews purposely paired with stove top stuffing flavors. If you go on their website you can see the various options they have such as K-9 Winter ale paired with pork stuffing. Imagine sitting at the table washing down your spiced herb stuffing with the perfectly matched IPA. Even Beer companies can see what a quality food stuffing is.

#3 Each region has their own twist

Every part of the country has their own twist on stuffing. In the South they often use a cornbread stuffing, while the Northeast and West tend to use a white bread base. Stove Top even produces eight different varieties so each person can have stuffing that perfectly fits their desires. Who wants a food that isn’t versatile when you could just serve eight different kinds!

#4 Scientists have perfected it over the years

Employees at Stove Top have spent years perfecting the size of the breadcrumb in their boxes. If the breadcrumbs are too small then the stuffing gets to soggy. If the breadcrumbs are too big then the texture is too course and not as pleasurable to eat. They figured out that each crumb needs to be the size of an eraser to reach maximum flavor.   

#5 It brings together families

Over 50% of families that have Thanksgiving dinner, will serve stuffing. It is a time old tradition. You can buy it in a box or make it from scratch as a family. Not many parts of the thanksgiving meal lend themselves to be a group activity, but stuffing has multiple parts that call to be chopped, spiced, and sautéed and so each family member can have their own step. Just like stuffing, a family is a group of individuals brought together to make something magnificent.  

Overall, Stuffing is the best part of the thanksgiving meal. It’s historic, it goes well with beer, and it even has scientific facts to back it. While cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes are delicious, nothing compares to stuffing in my eyes. However, no matter you preference in food, everyone deserves to have an amazing meal with their families and friends! 

Julia McAleer

F and M '20