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The Best YouTube Dessert Recipes, and How I Put My Own Twist on Them

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Clarion chapter.

I watch a lot of YouTube and get so fascinated by all of the fancy recipes I can find. They show vegan options, new ice cream flavor reviews, and many more. However, my favorites are the YouTube dessert recipes!

I have also edited some of these recipes to make my own versions. This has been a great way to enjoy my favorite recipes, while also enjoying my own twists.

Raphael Gomes

YouTube dessert recipes
Samm Hillegass

Raphael is from Portugal and makes numerous videos that involve his homemade recipes and food challenges. He also makes some of the most creative food I’ve seen. The best YouTube dessert recipes of his are mug cakes.

My favorite mug cake would have to be his white chocolate and Oreo mug cake. It only contains five ingredients, but it’s the best thing ever! I changed this recipe by using the limited edition candy cane Oreos instead of regular Oreos. I also used whipped cream and crushed candy cane instead of chocolate chips on top.

He also has a two-ingredient recipe for banana cookies. I love the idea of this simple recipe. The only problem is that I don’t like banana by itself. I tweaked this by adding a spoonful of peanut butter to the mashed bananas. Also, instead of the peanut butter, I prefer to add caramel to have that extra sweetness

Rosanna Pansino

YouTube dessert recipes
Samm Hillegass

Rosanna is most known for her creations called Nerdy Nummies. She makes geeky food and I love her cute and geeky YouTube dessert recipes.

I’m a huge Halloween fan so when I saw a zombie brain cake, I knew I had to try it! I learned that when making the fake blood, it got really messy and stained my kitchen table at home. So, I thought of an alternative. Instead of adding the food coloring later, I added it into the fondant and icing mix. I then used a mixture of raspberry and strawberry seedless jam to seep down the sides. It made less of a mess because it was thicker and it didn’t stain anything.

My friends from my hometown are huge gamers so I thought I’d make them HP candy bars. For the hard layer, Pansino used miniature shortbread cookies. I couldn’t find any in the store I was shopping in so I used graham crackers broken into fourths instead. It worked out great and added a hint of honey to excite the taste buds. My next idea is to use marshmallow fondant instead of icing so it gives it more of a s’mores flavor.

In the Kitchen With Kate

YouTube dessert recipes chocolate cake
Amy Perkinson

Kate does a lot of tasting food and how-to videos. She has a lot of cheesecake recipes which is great because my mom loves cheesecake. I haven’t made any yet, but I’m excited to.

My favorite has to be the lava cake! It might even be my favorite of all the YouTube dessert recipes! This works for me because white chocolate is my favorite kind of chocolate. She also used a lot of simple tools. The only one thing I would change would be adding more flavoring. While white chocolate is great, it can always be better. One way to do this is by adding sprinkles or putting raspberries on top.

YouTube dessert recipes gif
Vernell Dunams

I think it’s great to watch YouTube for recipes and ideas. I think it’s even better when you change it or add in your own flavor. Recipes taste so much better when they are your own!

I play saxophone in band. I've been in many plays in high school and hope to continue in college. I was also in honors choir and plan to continue music. I've been writing since the fourth grade and have always made up stories since I was young. It has taken me to many places and I hope to publish a book one day.