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A New Way to Get Slizzard: Marijuana syrup now sold in California

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Georgetown chapter.

Recently, Actavis stopped producing its promethazine codeine syrup, used illegally in the Sprite and Jolly Rancher concoction called lean or “purple drank.” Shortly after the discontinuation, a new company called ActaBliss came out with a sizzurp that replaces codeine with THC and cannabinoids.

This syrup is meant to be a “safer” alternative to lean while still mimicking the texture and consistency of the old stuff. In the wake of an increasing number of hospitalizations and seizures among rappers (e.g. Lil’ Wayne), the hazards and addictiveness of codeine have become more evident. ActaBliss markets its new product to former codeine users as a way to still get high, but with less of the risk. Though I’m sure no one would mind if the Biebs kept on with his habits.

ActaBliss maintains that its product is not the same as what normally goes into those styrofoam cups, but customers are enjoying the purple color and syrupy consistency that gives them that “sizzurp” feeling. Two-ounce bottles are now for sale for $45 in California after the company handed out free samples on 4/20.

Source: TIME

If you prefer a more traditional drink (or don’t live in California), check out these drink recipes:

Julia Murphy

Georgetown '17

Class of 2017 at Georgetown, majoring in Marketing and Operations and Information Management, Julia has an insatiable appetite for rugelach and all Mexican food. Her love of cooking and lack of portion control were sparked by her mom's refusal to buy her an Easy Bake Oven as a kid.