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How to Properly Brunch With Friends at West Egg Cafe in Atlanta

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at CAU chapter.

As college students, we sometimes have to spend holidays away from our families. Instead of spending this one alone, in my room, myself and a couple of friends decided that it would be a great idea to have an Easter Sunday brunch. So, we chose a restaurant and our day was set. We got dressed up and drove over to the Westside Provisions District in Atlanta, GA.

I’d never been to West Egg Cafe but I went prepared with an open mind and an empty stomach. When finally seated, around 2 pm, way past “brunch” hours (don’t blame us, we’re college students) we began perusing the menu. 

West Egg Cafe is a really cool industrial style restaurant that serves all day breakfast and lunch. They’re open from 7 AM until 4 PM during the week and 8 AM until 5 PM on the weekends. When it comes to new restaurants, I’m a bit uncertain. If this is a similar issue for you, don’t fret! Just ask the server what’s their favorite item on the menu. After spending a bit of time deciding, I finally settled on the tofu scramble in a whole wheat tortilla. It comes with mushrooms, spinach, onions, peppers and vegetarian sausage.

After a year on a pescatarian diet and as a newfound vegetarian, I was ecstatic about finally tasting sausage. This was only my second time eating tofu so I was putting a LOT of trust in the chef to make a masterpiece back there in the kitchen. When the food finally arrived it was beautiful. So beautiful that I didn’t take a moment to capture a photo of it. Here’s a photo I found online from the West Egg Cafe official Instagram page. 

The tofu was definitely better this time around and the “sausage” definitely had the right texture that mimicked beef or turkey. If you’re not into tofu you could always try the Westside Pileup with actual bacon and eggs or the Fried Chicken Biscuit with fried chicken, bacon, cheddar cheese, and tomato gravy.

They also have some super odd items on the menu like the Black bean cakes and eggs and the Sour Cream Pancakes. I wasn’t stepping that far out of my comfort zone but if you’re a daredevil, definitely go for it. Most of these options come with a side of potatoes or grits.

After our brunch(lunch) we decided to stop by Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams. It’s a super cute ice cream shop near West Egg Cafe. This was also my first time at Jeni’s so I had to ask the employees what they prefered. She suggested the Osmanthus & Blackberry Crackle and, just from hearing the name, I was all for it.

Unwilling to make a mistake on choosing the right ice cream, I taste tested it beforehand. In the words of my friend Karyn “It’s like Heaven in my mouth.” The ice cream was so buttery and the blackberry crackle was an added touch that just made it perfect. 

West Egg Cafe chocolate cream
Aliyah Warren

A bit dramatic but it was that good. We sat outside at the picnic tables near the bridge separating Jeni’s from the other side of the District. There were so many birds out chirping, as if they were having a really great Easter as well. It was a great day and I couldn’t help but forget about all of the college issues I was going through while in that moment. 

If you’re ever in the Westside Province District in Atlanta, GA make sure you stop by Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams and West Egg Cafe. Make it into a day of events with friends or family while creating memories that will last a lifetime. Also, check out their super cool social media pages that are filled with photos of their to die for food choices. 

Hi! I'm Aliyah, a junior Business Administration major with a concentration in marketing from PG County, Maryland. I spend my time watching YouTube videos, Netflix and reading books. I love all things storytelling.