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40 n superfood
40 n superfood

Six Superfoods and How To Eat Them

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Northwestern chapter.

While the cult-like fascination with acai juice and wheatgrass has died down, people’s love of superfoods is still very much alive. With so many new ones popping up, it can be hard to tell which superfoods are worth your while and which you should skip at the supermarket. Here, we break down the six super foods that’ll boost your diet — and your health — from “good” to “super.”

1. Salmon

When it comes to seafood, no other fish can compete with salmon. It’s packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients like vitamin D and phosphorus. In fact, a 4-ounce serving provides 236 percent of your recommended daily value of vitamin B12. Enjoy it raw in sushi, or try it pan-fried or grilled.

2. Kale

Kale is widely recognized as the most nutrient-packed leafy green around. One cup of kale has only 33 calories, but packs 134 percent of your recommended daily vitamin C, 206 percent of vitamin A and 684 percent of vitamin K. Enjoy it in pasta, or simply sautéed with garlic.

3. Green Tea

The Chinese have been drinking green tea for thousands of years, and for good reason: the tea has been known to do everything from lower blood pressure to boost metabolism. This beverage is also chock-full of antioxidants that keep cells healthy and might even help destroy cancerous ones, according to some research. Drink hot with lemon or chilled with ice.

4. Chia Seed

While many might associate chia with those “pet” plants you grew as a child, the seeds are actually a significant source of essential nutrients. A 1-ounce serving delivers 11 grams of fiber, as well as large amounts of manganese and calcium — both of which contribute to healthy bones and teeth. Add them to a smoothie or a bowl of oatmeal.

5. Red Wine

As if we needed another reason to crack open a bottle, antioxidants in red wine can improve heart health by preventing damage to blood vessels and lowering cholesterol. But since the negative effects of drinking too much alcohol outweigh the health benefits, stick to just one glass per day.

6. Quinoa

Quinoa contains iron, which fights anemia by promoting red blood cell health, as well as lots of vitamin B2, which improves energy within brain and muscle cells. It also supplies some lesser-known nutrients: three-fourths of a cup provides nearly 20 percent of your recommended daily value of zinc and folate. Try it stuffed in vegetables (like bell peppers), or in stir fry.

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Emily Wickwire
