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I Tried 4 Skin-Boosting Food-Based Homemade Face Masks

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at CUA chapter.

The search for a perfect homemade (or dorm-made) face mask is never ending. Whether you typically treat yourself to one during sleepovers, boring nights at home, or when a breakout must be gone by the weekend, the expectation is always greater than the result.

Now I cannot promise a miracle, but I can promise a few face mask recipes that will leave your skin feeling renewed and like a baby’s butt. The best part? You can find all of the ingredients in your kitchen (or in your dining hall to “borrow”).

Homemade Face Masks milk coffee
Emma McCoy

I made and used four different face masks with the help of my roommates, who kept yelling “Placebo Effect!” every time I said anything positive about a mask—obviously they keep me grounded.

Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Honey

Homemade Face Masks beer
Abigail Stevens

What these ingredients do: Cinnamon reduces the bacteria on your skin to prevent future pimples and dry up current ones. Nutmeg reduces blackheads and exfoliates skin. Honey (which you will find in every recipe) is a powerhouse natural moisturizer and has antibacterial factors.   

The color of this mask is brown and the texture is grainy, but because of the thick consistency, application was surprisingly not extremely messy. The texture of the nutmeg felt like an exfoliant as it was hardening on my face, which was a positive. According to the recipe, after leaving this on for 20 minutes, it is supposed to brighten your face, clear breakouts, and even your skin tone.

I removed almost all of the face masks with warm water and a wash cloth; this particular recipe was somewhat difficult because of its thickness. Immediately after, my pores were visibly smaller, my blemishes were less irritated, and my skin felt much softer. However, I didn’t see results for my blackheads and my skin was not glowing. 

Banana, Plain Yogurt, and Honey

Homemade Face Masks
Abigail Stevens

What these ingredients do: Bananas are a great moisturizer. They also can lighten dark spots and do what I typically look for when choosing a homemade face mask: major oil control. Plain Yogurt helps get rid of dead skin and tightens pores—and we already know how great honey is.  

This was much messier to apply, but once it was on, the mask made my whole face feel cool. Although using plain yogurt (not greek) made the smell unpleasant. After 20 minutes of wearing this light and smooth textured mask, the recipe claims skin should look and feel softer because of the moisturizing ingredients. 

Removal was about as messy as expected. I ended up mostly just splashing my face with warm water until it was all off. The first thing I noticed about myself was how even my skin tone looked. My face had a subtle glow (as cliché as that sounds) and my blemishes were less red. Overall, this is a good face mask if you can get past the smell.

Egg White, Lemon, and Honey

Homemade Face Masks tea
Abigail Stevens

What these ingredients do: Egg whites tighten and tone. They are great for greasy skin because they reduce the size of pores. Lemons have awesome acne fighting nutrients, they lighten skin, and fix discoloration. Should honey be put in everything now? Maybe I should just bathe in honey, it could be good therapy.   

This was a recipe I had previously done and I’ve always liked the results. The application is… liquidy. Egg whites are definitely not the easiest to apply. It was fun because this is one of the only masks that hardens completely and almost disappears when finished. After 10-15 minutes, the recipe says your damaged skin will be repaired, acne bacteria will be destroyed, and scars will be lightened.

Gently wiping the face with a warm wash cloth is probably your best bet for getting it all off. From previous experiences, I assumed my pores would look small, and the mask has remained consistent. My pores were tiny and my skin tone was more even than before. Although, compared to the other masks, my face did not feel as soft and my dry winter skin returned after about one minute. 

Avocado, Oatmeal, and, of course, Honey

Homemade Face Masks tea
Abigail Stevens

What these ingredients do: Avocado has healthy fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins that improve your skin from the inside out. Oatmeal stops the spread of bacteria and can soak up excess oil. Must I say anything about the third ingredient?

I was very nervous about this recipe because it called for a blender and, living in a dorm, I do not have access to one. I used a plastic fork to mix the ingredients. The application was very gross because it felt like I was just putting breakfast on my face since it wasn’t fully mixed. According to recipe, after 10-15 minutes, this face mask will calm and hydrate sensitive skin, while also exfoliating. 

Even though I felt like the Wicked Witch of the West, the mask still hardened like it was store-bought and the results were even better. When I took it off, I immediately noticed how nice my skin looked. This was the only mask that made me feel like I could go in public without makeup. My face truly felt like a baby’s butt. 

Each of these homemade face masks has positives and negatives. There will never be a miracle product that you simply apply and *BANG* become flawless, but my skin felt refreshed and nurtured from these face masks.

Everyone has different skin types and your results might be different than mine, but these are all worth trying—especially if you and your friends are looking for a much needed break after hours of studying for finals. So get to the grocery store, rub some food on your face, and laugh (or cry) at your reflection in the mirror. 

I am a 19 year old Media Studies and Communications Major at Catholic University. I currently live in Washington, DC and am from outside of Philadelphia. I love singing, my dog, any and ALL television shows (specifically Game of Thrones and Parks and Rec), and, of course, I love food!