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The 8 Best Foods to Eat in Bed During Cuffing Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Brown chapter.

It’s cuffing season, and that means that you probably fall into one of two categories: 1) you are happily (and metaphorically) tied down in either a relationship or a steady “thing,” and are enjoying lazy days in blanket bliss; or 2) you are single as a Pringle, eating candy bars in bed, hugging your electric pillow and wishing you fell under the first category.

For whatever scenario, below is a list of foods that you can eat while snuggled up in bed, and that taste waaaaaay better than your go-to boxed/wrapped snacks. Some of the more complicated food items can be pre-made in large batches and stored in the refrigerator, so that when the time comes all you need to do is heat them in the microwave–you needn’t even leave the room. 

Lazy Mornings Breakfasts

1. Hot Chocolate

Eat in Bed ice espresso
Photo courtesy of pixabay,com

First thing in the morning, something sweet and satisfying will ease you (and perhaps your “friend”) into the day ahead. Decadent, thick hot chocolate is a staple, and if you’re feeling “healthy” you can dip fresh, juicy strawberries into it.

2. Croissants

Eat in Bed butter wheat
Photo courtesy of pixabay,com

If you’re feeling less fruity and more pastry-inclined, a slightly-warmed croissant slathered in melted butter will warm your insides.

3. Pancakes

Eat in Bed butter bread
Marie Chantal Marauta

A breakfast-in-bed staple is a plate of chocolate-chip or blueberry pancakes. If you’re too lazy to go out and get maple syrup, drizzle some of your hot chocolate over the pancakes—and over other things, if you’re one of the lucky ones that isn’t alone this cuffing season.

4. Crêpes

Eat in Bed pancake cake
Photo courtesy of pixabay,com

If you’re Team Crêpe rather than Team Pancake, then you can never go wrong with Nutella-banana crêpes, or ones with strawberry and whipped cream.

Miscellaneous Afternoon Snacks

5. Melted Cheese Dip and a Baguette

Eat in Bed cheddar dairy product
Photo courtesy of pixabay,com

In the afternoon, your palate is open to a wider range of flavors. A less typical in-bed snack would be a bowl of warm, melted cheese of the French variety (think gruyere), into which you can dip crackers, crunchy baguette, or soft bread rolls. Once again, all you would have to do is stick the pre-bought cheese into a bowl and heat it in the microwave to achieve ultimate melty-ness.

6. Hummus and Pita

Eat in Bed celery carrot
Marie Chantal Marauta

In a similar train of thought, a simple container of creamy hummus goes well with pita bread, or carrot and cucumber sticks. This way, you don’t have to feel too bad about eating lazily in bed, because hummus and vegetables are healthy, right? 

7. Cookies

Nevertheless, it is important to have a list of sweeter things to nibble on during your lethargic, bedridden afternoons. Soft, Christmas-themed sugar cookies paired with spicy Moroccan tea are always a delight, because who doesn’t like to get festive sometimes? Couple this meal with fairy lights and tinkling background music, and you’ll be in full cozy mode. 

8. Brownies, Pies and Cake

Eat in Bed chocolate cream
Marie Chantal Marauta

Going back to more traditional sweet foods, you can indulge in dark chocolate fudge brownies, pecan pie, or chocolate lava cake topped with vanilla ice cream. Eating cold stuff can be good if you’re with someone, as body heat will keep you both warm. Again, if you’re alone, make sure you at least have the heater on when eating the ice cream. 

Whether or not you’re alone this cuffing season, it’s important to remember that your OG bae, food, has always been there for you, and will always be there for you. Go through this list, buy what you need to make yourself happy, and eat your heart out.