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Venditori’s Is the Closest You’ll Get to Your Nonna’s Cooking in Auburn

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Auburn chapter.

For those that have never heard of Venditori’s, it is an Italian restaurant by the Wendy’s on your way to Tiger Town. I had overlooked this place until last semester when my friend told me about it. We went to go try it and see what it was all about. Venditori’s food tastes like my grandmother’s homemade Italian: delicious, full of carbs and cheese. 

This place is truly a home cooked meal kind of family restaurant. You walk in and you instantly feel like you’re in someone’s dining room. It’s decorated to the max with Italian-themed items, but not in a tacky way. 

To start the meal, you’re brought rolls covered in butter and garlic along with a salad. Venditori’s is kind of place you go for the carbs, not the salad. 

Venditori's  flour dough
Ali Bucher

Their menu has an expansive list of satisfying, cheesy goodness. The Alfredo sauce is what reminds me the most of a grandmother’s Italian. It’s creamy, cheesy, and flavorful all in one bite. You could give me a bowl of just the sauce and I would eat it.

You can tell it’s all homemade, and if I had to bet I’d say the recipes have been passed down from generation to generation of the owners. They have other tasty dishes on the menu as well, like their spinach tortellini, lasagna, pizzas, spaghetti, and many more.  

Venditori's  parsley bread
Ali Bucher

Even though you come here for the delicious Italian food, make sure you save room for dessert—Venditori’s chocolate cake doesn’t mess around. When you go, make sure to order it because it is the perfect ending to the Venditori’s experience. I mean, just look at it, how could you not want to order it? It is so chocolatey and fulfilling that it makes every bite guilt-free (almost). 

Venditori's  chocolate cake coffee
Katie Stotts

If you’re looking for some cheesy, carb-loaded, filling Italian food, look no further than Venditori’s. This is true Italian comfort food that will take you home and remind you of your grandmother’s cooking. But remember, make sure you save room for dessert.

Katie Stotts

Auburn '18