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The 7 Stages of Grief I Experienced When Chick-fil-A Discontinued Their Spicy Chicken Biscuit

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at GSU chapter.

If you haven’t heard the heartbreaking news, Chick-fil-A announced that they will no longer be selling their Spicy Chicken Biscuit. It’s honestly the worst thing to happen to the South since losing the Civil War. The Spicy Chicken Biscuit was hands down the best breakfast item, and I have distinct memories of waiting in line at the Chick-fil-A down the street from my high school the day they started serving this holy biscuit.

Spicy Chicken Biscuit

Photo courtesy of @ChickfilA on Twitter

As if to add insult to injury, they are replacing the Spicy Chicken Biscuit with their new Egg White Grill Sandwich. The fact that our beloved biscuit got traded for an English muffin is almost as bad as your significant other saying they are voting for Trump. As I’ve processed the news today, I’ve gone through an emotional journey. Here are the 7 emotions I experienced upon hearing the news. I hope my journey can help you navigate your own feelings in this time of mourning.

1. Denial

Spicy Chicken Biscuit

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I didn’t want to believe it. In high school, I was late to first period countless times, because I was busy waiting in line for these babies. Surely Chick-fil-A would respect my memories right? Wrong.

2. Anger

Spicy Chicken Biscuit

GIF courtesy of giphy.com

The more time I spent thinking about the biscuit, the angrier I became. After all, their motto is “Eat Mor Chikin” yet here they are taking my favorite chicken away. How could you Chick-fil-A? How could you?

3. Confusion

Spicy Chicken Biscuit

GIF courtesy of giphy.com

After my initial rage went away, I started to really evaluate the decision. If it wasn’t selling well, then maybe I could understand discontinuing the item. But trading a biscuit out for an English muffin is just plain wrong.

4. Fear

Spicy Chicken Biscuit

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The world I knew to be true began to crumble around me, and I started to question my own reality. If they could stop selling the Spicy Chicken Biscuit out of the blue, what else could the dictators running Chick-fil-A do? Are they going to stop serving Polynesian sauce too?

5. Depression

Spicy Chicken Biscuit

GIF courtesy of giphy.com

It started to fully hit me that my lips would never again tingle as the spice of the chicken coated my taste buds. I couldn’t even remember the last time I ate the biscuit. Did I savor it, or scarf it down? I guess I’ll never know.

6. Vulnerability

Spicy Chicken Biscuit

GIF courtesy of giphy.com

I’ve never felt more alone. As I watched my coworkers chow down on donuts, I wondered if they even knew the pain I was in. I trusted you, Chick-fil-A. I gave you my money, but more importantly, I gave you my heart. Will I ever be able to love again?

7. Acceptance

Spicy Chicken Biscuit

GIF courtesy of giphy.com

I could pretend like I’ll never eat at Chick-fil-A again, but my mother always taught me to forgive the ones you love. I can’t say my heart isn’t broken, but maybe… just maybe, I can learn to love again. I just need time, a 12-count nugget meal, and some Polynesian sauce.

R.I.P. Spicy Chicken Biscuit. You will live on forever in the memories of those you’ve blessed with your spice-filled goodness.

The classiest broad you'll ever meet east of the Mississippi, she believes in the power of red lipstick, and can eat her body weight in tacos.