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7 Things You Never Knew About Goldfish

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Purdue chapter.

I absolutely love goldfish and I bet you do too. They are the perfect cheesy, savory and crunchy snack for any time of the day. Here are some interesting and surprising facts about these wonderful nuggets of happiness that will make you want to buy a pack the next time you’re grocery shopping.

1. They originated in Switzerland


GIF courtesy of giphy.com

You heard right, they are not from America. Goldfish originated in 1958 at a Swiss biscuit factory and it wasn’t until 1962 that it was introduced to the United States. They still continue to sell goldfish under the original brand in Switzerland. Thank the Swiss for forever changing our lives.

2. One goldfish has 2.5 calories


GIF courtesy of ohmagif.com

This means I basically can eat as many as I want. A serving size is a generous 56 crackers for 140 calories and an added plus is that they are low in saturated fat.

3. Finn is their Mascot


Photo by Kimberly Fu

Of course, there is a mascot for my favorite snack always smiling back at me while I’m munching away. Finn deserves the cutest and tastiest goldfish award ever. And if there isn’t such thing, we need to make a goldfish award right now.

4. Julia Child liked to serve them as an appetizer


Photo courtesy of slate.com

If they are good enough for Julia Child, then they are good enough for me. I’m sure I can eat them as an appetizer, meal, and dessert because who can get enough of them?

5. There are 39 different flavors of goldfish crackers


Photo by Kimberly Fu

One answer. Endless possibilities. You’ll never get tired of them. They’re the snack that keeps on giving.

6. Only 40 percent of goldfish have that signature smile and eye


Photo by Robyn Lee

Not all of our friendly snack fish have the signature smile and eye. Approximately 40 percent of the fishies have that smile baked into them.

7. The ingredient list has a surprising ingredient


Photo by Kimberly Fu

Although were too busy shoveling goldfish in our mouths by the handfuls to look at the ingredient list, it holds the truth about why these snacks are just so good. They are made with smiles.