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5 Fruits and Vegetables That Actually Taste Better Pureed

As important as they might be to our diet, vegetables don’t always make our mouths water. You probably find yourself trying to spice up your veggies with lots of dressing or seasonings. While that bottle of ranch dressing may offer some relief, have you ever thought that it might be the texture of your veggies that’s not so satisfying?

In addition to giving a more tolerable texture, pureeing vegetables also puts a new spin on the steamed veggies you’d normally dread. You might be surprised to find out that bag of freezer-burnt veggies has some serious potential. Here’s a list of some vegetables that are better pureed:



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This is probably the most obvious choice in the list. Peas are not necessarily everyone’s favorite and that might be the reason why there are so many pea puree recipes. Split pea soup is a great choice for putting frozen peas to use. Aside from an unpleasant texture, peas can be hard to maneuver by themselves, so instead of wasting time trying to pick them up, try pureeing them and making it into a soup.



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Cauliflower, like many vegetables, may not have the most desirable texture, but when pureed to look like mashed potatoes, they can be a lot more appetizing. Try adding in some spices and see if it doesn’t remind you of a buttery bowl of spuds.



Photo by Becky Hughes

Squash tends to have quite a smooth texture when pureed which also makes it great for a soup. If your feeling adventurous, try pureeing some cooked squash and putting it inside some popsicle molds to freeze. Don’t worry, if you feel hesitant about making a squash popsicle, start of with some of these recipes.



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Carrots might be a great ingredient in beef stew or when dipped in dressing, but when pureed and made into soup with flavors like turmeric and ginger, they can go beyond expectation.



Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com

Bell peppers are probably the best way to go here. Perhaps after roasting them in the oven, try pureeing them to make a sauce. Try one of Spoon’s similar recipes here.

Journalism student at Syracuse University.