Oreos and Cheetos — 2 favorite childhood snacks that I can’t seem to outgrow. Ever since my elementary school days, their colorful and distinctive packagings have been firmly ingrained into my brain.
So when I was mindlessly strolling through my local Korean market’s snack aisle, I did a double-take when I caught glimpses of suspiciously familiar wrappings glinting under the fluorescent lights. Oreos and Cheetos in a Korean grocery store?! It turns out that South Korea has its very own versions of these beloved American snacks. Here’s a breakdown of the packaging, nutrition, appearance, and taste of the 2 countries’ editions.
American Oreos:
- Slogan: “Milk’s Favorite Cookie”
- Color scheme: Blue, white
- Standard package size: 14.3 oz (405 g)
- Serving size: 3 cookies, 12 servings per container
- Each serving size: 160 calories, 7 g fat
Appearance of snack:
- Center: “OREO”
- Design: Geometric line patterns
- Border: Lines on circumference
- Hard and crunchy when bitten
- More of a “wet” texture when eating
Korean Oreos:
- Slogan: “Always Like a Friend!” (translated)
- Color scheme: Blue, white
- Standard package size: 10.58 oz (300 g)
- Serving size: 1 pack, 6 servings per container
- Each serving size: 255 calories, 12 g fat
Appearance of snack:
- Center: Cursive “L” (for Lotte)
- Design: Swirly floral patterns
- Border: Waves on circumference
- Powdery and dry texture when bitten
- Not as crunchy — softer than the American cookie
American Cheetos:
- Color scheme: Saturated dark orange
- Mascot: Chester Cheetah
- Standard package size: 252 g
- Serving size: 21 pieces, 9 servings per container
- Each serving size: 150 calories, 10 g fat
Appearance of snack:
- Highly saturated orange
- Powder densely coated on pieces
- Intense cheesy and salty flavor
- Very crunchy
Korean Cheetos:
- Color scheme: Saturated dark orange
- Mascot: Chester Cheetah
- Standard package size: 90 g
- Serving size: 3 servings per container
- Each serving size: 165 calories, 10 g fat
Appearance of snack:
- Less saturated colors
- More yellow than orange
- Sweet taste (BBQ flavor)
- More subtle flavor
- Crunchy, but more airy than American Cheetos
Holistic review:
Overall, the two countries’ packagings are very similar. In regards to nutrition, the American standard size is definitely larger. However, in terms of calories per serving size, the Korean versions outweigh the American versions. In terms of taste, it really is a matter of personal preference. Both are equally delicious and have distinct charms of their own, but if you’re ever curious about how the Korean versions of Oreos or Cheetos taste, you can find them at any Korean grocery store for yourself.