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23 Food Photos Guaranteed to Make You Lick Your Screen

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Colgate chapter.

The dictionary so eloquently defines art as “something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings.” I define art as the many different delicious things that can be cooked or baked and subsequently placed in my mouth.

Now I’m sure there are lots of you out there who are far more cultured than me and who will always contend that the world’s true masterpieces hang in the MoMA and the Louvre. But I will always firmly and wholeheartedly believe that the most beautiful creations are the ones waiting to be devoured.

And so to that end, I have gathered for you the creme de la creme of culinary artwork. Please enjoy and please try to refrain from licking the screen of your cell phone/laptop/tablet. And if you wanna step up your Instagram game like this and get even more followers, check out these tips from Insta-famous peeps.

Ah yes, chocolate vanilla softserve. A delicacy of kings and boardwalk-goers alike. 

Peanut butter and Oreos, a god-like combination. You can thank The Parent Trap for this one.


A photo posted by SCOTT AFTERS. Afters Ice Cream (@scottafters) on Nov 18, 2015 at 6:51pm PST

Salty? Sweet? Chocolate? Caramel?

No-one can resist Burger Porn. Especially when it’s drenched in french fries and cheese.

God bless anyone attempting to give up pizza, my most sincere condolences.

Don’t you hate when people ruin perfectly good waffles with sprinkles and chocolate?

A photo posted by HUNGRYBETCHES (@hungrybetches) on Nov 16, 2015 at 7:15am PST

CARRY ME BACK TO SWEET JERSEY. For even more foods that New Jersey natives can’t resist, check these out.

A photo posted by @thefoodudes on Sep 22, 2015 at 6:30pm PDT

That caramel drizzle though.

Still remember that diet? Or do you not wanna taco bout it?

A photo posted by @love_food on Dec 5, 2015 at 9:54am PST

Curls like that deserve to de devoured and enjoyed.

A photo posted by HUNGRYBETCHES (@hungrybetches) on Nov 28, 2015 at 11:50am PST

This is a major Yolk Porn alert. For even more yolk porn, click here.

Rocky Road is a weakness of mine, how about you?

Proof that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Especially when it tastes like s’mores, french toast, and heaven.

Doughnuts. Filled with ice cream. There isn’t really much more to say.

It’s like someone took everything that’s good and delicious in the world and smashed it all together in one glorious cake.

So. Dang. Cheesy.

Now THIS is a meal of champions.

If these nutella-stuffed churros don’t tempt you, then you’re stronger than most.

A photo posted by Just Good Food (@munchdown) on Dec 14, 2015 at 10:44am PST

This wouldn’t even be considered cheating because fruit.

This is sexual cheese.

At this point, you should really be calling the pizza man.

A photo posted by HUNGRYBETCHES (@hungrybetches) on Oct 3, 2015 at 11:10am PDT

Seriously, you deserve this chocolate and salted caramel tart.

You know you want dat guac.

food porn

GIF courtesy of giphy.com

Well, I’m sure that diet was fun while it lasted.

Rebecca is editorial director of Colgate's chapter of Spoon. She loves having an excuse to spend even more time thinking about food. Usually, she can be found scrolling through baking blogs, listening to bad pop-punk music from the early 2000s, or looking for golden retrievers to pet.