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5 Items You Need To Buy From Price Chopper Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Skidmore chapter.

If you’re shopping at Price Chopper on a budget and want some essentials for fall, here is our list.

1. Classic Coffee Creamer (Price Chopper Brand)

Price Chopper

Photo by Rebecca Gracey

If you’re a coffee or tea lover, you probably need to buy milk weekly to mix into your favorite hot beverage. But milk spoils quickly. So what should you do? Buy off-brand CoffeeMate. Isn’t that just powdered milk? Basically, yes. But you don’t have to worry about buying a mini fridge or worse, opening the communal fridge to find that your milk has been stolen. Price Chopper’s coffee creamer is also dairy free, so if you are lactose intolerant you can still use it. It also won’t expire for a very long time and there are 227 servings in each container. And it costs two dollars less than CoffeeMate. Who doesn’t like saving money?

2. Juice Boxes

Price Chopper

Photo by Rebecca Gracey

Um, what? No seriously- juice boxes are still just as good as you remember them from when you were a kid. And buying an eight pack of them costs less than buying just two bottles of soda. Plus now you can get juice boxes that have vegetable juice mixed in. That way you can sneak in a serving of vegetables without even thinking about it. And honestly, who else misses drinking out of a straw?

3. Stash Ginger Peach Green Tea

Price Chopper

Photo by Rebecca Gracey

This is a delicious alternative to soda, and it’ll keep you warm. This tea is the best. It smells delicious and tastes great. You don’t need to add sugar because it’s not bitter like some brands of green tea. It also has some caffeine so it’s a good alternative to coffee. There are eighteen tea bags in each box, so it’s a great buy for the price. Having tea is also a clever excuse to have a friend over. Most importantly, it will keep your hands warm. Especially since it’s not even November and it’s already snowed.

4. Kashi Crunchy Granola & Seed Bars (Honey Oat Flax)

Price Chopper

Photo by Rebecca Gracey

This snack is genuinely good for you. It has 25 grams of whole grain (more than half of the recommended daily serving) and get this- it tastes good. It’s really important for college students to keep their energy up, especially at that 1 o’clock lull after lunch when all you want to do is take a nap. Instead of buying a chocolate bar from a vending machine on your way to class, stock up on some of these bars and put one in your backpack before you leave your room in the morning. You’ll save money and cut down on your sugar intake.

5. Emergen-C

Price Chopper

Photo by Rebecca Gracey

Everyone has either had or will have the Skidmore Plague. It’s that really nasty cold that’s been circulating around campus. Even if you’ve already been sick this term, there’s no guarantee it won’t happen again. So get out there and get yourself some Emergen-C. It really helps. Mix one packet with water and drink every last drop. That’s all you need to do to boost your immunity. Or, if you’re already sick, it helps you get better faster. Bonus it’s fizzy and tastes like oranges, whats not to like? Just be sure to empty the packet into your cup before you add water, not after. Otherwise it may overflow and make a mess.

Lover of good food, good books, and bad television.