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Fort Worth Date Night Ideas for You and Your Better Half

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at TCU chapter.

Dating–a super common thing to do in college, right? But the time spent trying to think of a place to take your date almost makes it not worth it. Plus, there’s the struggle of “is this too nice for a first date?” or “we’ve been dating for 5 years, where do we go now?”

I had the privilege of interviewing three couples on their “date night” preferences. And to add, these guys are experts on dating for a certain period of time. As for me, I’ll give a first date point-of-view because I’ve been on a few of those.

Alli (Me)

Fort Worth Date

Photo by Alli Forrester

Relationship Length: 0 Months
First Date Recommendation

Breakfast: I recently went on a first date to Park Hill Cafe. It’s a quaint little place with the sweetest employees.

During my brunch date, they continued to bring us all kinds of breads and muffins. I actually lost count they came around so many times. It also helped to break up that notorious first date awkwardness. Oh, they also have a yummy Eggs Benedict.

Lunch: I honestly really like Brewed. I feel like it facilitates good conversation, I love the food, and I love spending time there with friends, too. Also, if you want your friends to meet your date and get their opinion of him/her, it’s a very casual way to “run into” your friends…

Dinner: I also went on a date to Kona recently where I had the chicken and broccoli stir-fry. Although I’m not a huge fan of fish, Kona is popular for their sushi and seafood. However, the menu is diverse enough to satisfy anybody’s growling stomach.

Dessert: I love Steel City Pops. I love the bread pudding at Bravo. I love Melt. I’m indecisive. Whoops.

Favorite Restaurant in Fort Worth: If you take me to Torchy’s, I’ll inevitably talk about how much I love the chips and queso, just ask my last date.

Grant & Olivia*

Fort Worth Date

Photo by Grant Canning

Relationship Length: 9 Months
Short-ish Term Relationship Recommendation
*Olivia wasn’t available for the conversation, so these are all Grant’s choices for them.

Breakfast: “We’re really chill people so we like to go to Yogi’s. They have really good food.”

Yogi’s is a bagel cafe and grill. From the outside, it looks like it will be quiet and kind of small, but once you step inside, it’s buzzing and full of life.

They have many different options from bagel sandwiches to omelettes to a huge stack of pancakes. They also offer great school spirit with TCU memorabilia decorating the walls.

Lunch: “Once again, we’re very relaxed. We love Jimmy John’s because it’s an easy choice.”

Jimmy John’s is a chain sandwich place that is known for being fast, and they are just that. The closest one to campus is off of 7th Street.

Dinner: “This is so difficult. We like to cook a lot at home. If I had choose, I’d say Kona. They have the best happy hour in town, and I love the pepperoni flatbread. I also really like the Vegas roll or the wave roll. But I’ll be honest, we like to go to Whataburger, get it to-go, and relax at home. We’re so casual.”

Dessert: “If I had to choose a place, I’d say Sweet Sammies. But otherwise, we like to walk to Kroger and get a pint of Blue Bell – it has to either be mint chocolate chip or cookies ‘n’ cream.

To all the incoming freshmen and those of you sad upperclassmen who have not been to Sweet Sammie’s, I’m not sure what you’re waiting for, but you must go to Sweet Sammie’s…like now.

It’s locally owned and made with the freshest cookies. You’ll have a hard time deciding, but you cannot go wrong with a peanut butter cookie and chocolate chip ice cream.

Favorite Restaurant in Fort Worth: “We love Woodshed for the atmosphere. You have to try the fish dip appetizer. It’s unreal.”

The last time I went to Woodshed, I was with my sorority family. I looked around and said, “I need a dog.”There are a million dogs hanging out with their owners at Woodshed because it’s located right on the Trinity River and has a really nice breeze.

They usually have live music, and you can’t help but smile and be happy while you’re there.

Glenna & Marcus*

Fort Worth Date

Photo by Glenna McIntosh

Relationship Length: 2 years
Long Term Relationship Recommendation
*Marcus wasn’t there either.

Breakfast: “Yogi’s because it’s casual and great tasting.”

Lunch: “Torchy’s or East Hampton Sandwich Company or Zoe’s. They’re all relaxed. We eat out a lot, but we like simple places.”

Zoe’s recently created a new app where you can scan your receipt and save points towards free stuff. I downloaded the app while at lunch with one of my sorority sisters, and I immediately got a free reusable sports cup, so that was pretty cool.

To me, Zoe’s feels like it’s catered towards the fast-moving, healthy lifestyle. However, every time I go there, my friends and I end up talking and hanging out for a few hours.

Dinner: “We like to go to Mi Cocina because it’s more upscale but still kind of relaxed.”

Mi Cocina does not seem to have a specific style other than modern.  They have really good, upscale Mexican food, and you really cannot go wrong with this choice.

Dessert:Steel City Pops, we went there the other day! I really like the pineapple pop.”

The patio at Steel City is always swarmed with people but in a good way. It’s decorated with Christmas style lights, and you’re sure to always run into someone you know.

Favorite Restaurant in Fort Worth: “Definitely Kona.”

Kona is upscale and modern with a great rooftop patio. It’s really fun to go with your girls, your parents, or obviously your date.

Matt & Abby

Fort Worth Date

Photo by Abby Schell

Relationship Length: 6 years 
LONG Term Relationship Recommendation

Breakfast:McKinley’s after church. They have a really good breakfast sandwich.”

McKinley’s is a bright, open restaurant in University Park shopping center. They do close a bit early for the average college student, but I would recommend going by early and getting some of their pastries. You have to try the “Horned Frog” cookie made with coconut shavings!

Lunch: Rodeo Goat or the Food Truck Park.”

Rodeo Goat makes you feel as though you might actually be underneath the stands of rodeo arena eating with your friends. I can say this because I grew up in a small town frequenting the annual rodeo. They have cinderblock walls with pipe railing and gravel floors outside. It’s very rugged feeling for the common city folk.

The Food Truck park has so many options and brown picnic tables for seating. I like to get my meal from one truck and dessert from another. It’s really nice to go somewhere with a lot of options for you and your date.

Dinner: “We like to get sushi for dinner, our favorite is Little Lilly Sushi, it’s very intimate.”

Little Lilly Sushi has received many accolades over the past few years including being voted one of the Ten Best New Restaurants in Texas Monthly in 2014. The chef and staff are said to be very good at pairing your different picks of food and wine, as well as having a deep understanding of all the fish they serve.

Dessert: Tillman’s. They have all this homemade s’more stuff. It’s so good.”

Known for being very lively, Tillman’s is a rustic “come-as-you-are” restaurant with an easy-going atmosphere and a personable, welcoming staff.

Favorite Restaurant in Fort Worth: “We’d probably say Woodshed. I (Abby) like the arugula salad. And the fish dip.” Matt: “Oh yeah, the white fish dip.”

For another really adorable tip, I know Matt and Abby go to their favorite restaurant, find a dish they like, and then attempt to make it at home. I know, you’re all gagging at the cuteness.

Come on, boys (or girls)…don’t be a dead beat…just ask your campus crush out for lunch or dinner. With these suggestions, you should be able to avoid the inevitably awkward “I dunno, you pick.