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Where to Get Free Food at Dartmouth This Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Dartmouth chapter.

Welcome to week four: upon purchasing your third KAF sandwich of the day, you catch a glimpse of your leftover DBA. And you realize your imaginary money management skills might be a liiiittle lacking.

Fear not: Spoon University is here to help. Introducing our weekly roundup of the public events around campus that feature free food and free stimulating conversation. But mostly free food.

free food

Photo by Josh Renaud

Monday 4/20:

3 pm-4:15 pm—Spoon University Presents Munchies Monday

Smoked Meats and Chips @ One Wheelock

6 pm—Dartmouth Film Society

Dinner @ Wilson 205

7:30 pm-10 pm—Collis Governing Board Microbrew Monday (21+) @ One Wheelock

free food

Photo by Annie Ma

Tuesday 4/21:

12:30 pm—Career Conversations with David Ouija

     Panera @ Class of 1930s Room (RSVP required)

5 pm—Hydraulic fracturing and water quality talk

     Pizza @ Rocky 003 

6 pm—International Business Council Dinner with Econ Prof Meir Kohn

     Dinner @ Haldeman 124

6 pm—Dartmouth Marketing Panel

      Bolocco @ Carson L01

7 pm—Dartmouth Asian Organization Dinner Discussion

     Gas Station Chinese @ Collis 218

7 pm—College Libertarians

     Orient @ Collis 212

8 pm-9:30 pm—Collis Governing Board Trivia Night

     Snacks @ One Wheelock

free food

Photo by Annie Ma

Wednesday 4/22:

All day—Earth Day

Free KAF and Novak brewed beverages if your bring your own mug (BYOM)

Free Earth Day cookies while supplies last

4 pm-5 pm—Global Health Day Networking Reception

     Refreshments from Lou’s @ Russo Gallery, first floor Haldeman

7 pm—Speak Performance Showcase

     Orient @ Collis Commonground

7:30 pm—Dartmouth African Students Association Performances by SOYEYA and Jabulani

     Refreshments (hors dévores and wine for 21+) @ Kim Gallery, Hood Museum

8 pm-10 pm—Collis Governing Board Open Mic Night

     Lou’s Pies @ One Wheelock

free food

Photo courtesy of BarHop

Thursday 4/23:

12:30 pm-1:30 pm—Careers in Global Health Luncheon

     Lunch @ Haldeman 124 (RSVP required)

6 pm-7 pm—Global China Connection Dinner Discussion: Lee Kuan Yew’s Prophecy of China

     Orient @ Thornton 105

6:15 pm-7:15 pm—Dinner with Professor Shambaugh: China at the Crossroads

        Jewel of India @ Rocky 3 (RSVP required)

6:30 pm-7:30 pm—Dartmouth Council on Climate Change: Climate Journey

     Jewel of India @ Hornig Library

9:30 pm-12:30 am—BarHop

Alcoholic drinks (21+) and non-alcoholic drinks @ Hop Garage

free food

Photo by Mulin Xiong

Friday 4/24:

2 pm—LALACS Meet and Greet

Refreshments @ LALACS House

3 pm-6 pm—Farm Fresh Friday

     Samples from Upper Valley vendors @ Beta Lawn

9:30 pm-12:30 am—BarHop

          Alcoholic drinks (21+) and non-alcoholic drinks @ Hop Garage

Saturday 4/25

1 pm-2:30 pm—Coffee Club

     Coffee tasting and Toast @ One Wheelock

2 pm—Dartmouth Tennis vs. Harvard

          Pizza for the first 100 Dartmouth Students @ Bass Tennis Center

7 pm—Student of Hong Kong Karaoke Night

Asian snacks @ Sarner Underground

8 pm-10 pm—Avenger Milk and Cookies

Homemade cookies  @ Phi Tau

10 pm—Campus and Country: Chase Byrne and Dog Day Players

3 Guys BBQ @ Collis Commonground

Got a free food event and want to be featured? Blitz details to Spoon.University@dartmouth.edu!

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Alma Wang

Dartmouth '18