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9 Reasons Why You’ll Get Arrested at Yogurtland

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at USC chapter.

It’s no less than a miracle that Yogurtland hasn’t gone bankrupt yet-especially after all the clever and underhanded tactics people have used to get the most out of their visit. From pseudo-phone calls to heaping on too much in one sample, check out these yogurt hoarding tricks and see if you’re guilty of pulling one of these:


Photo by Katherine Xiong

1. Reuse the sample cups–five times each. 


Photo by Leslie Lee

Tell yourself that it’s recycling.

2. Group conspiracy.


Photo by Leslie Lee

 Bring in a huge group of friends or sneak in with a large family (preferably of your ethnicity). If in a group, have only one pay while the others mooch off the samples. If you’re with a family, tagalong with them and pretend that you’re the cousin/sister/adopted child from China. Fill up all the sample cups and “change your mind” about buying any after tasting the nasty Butterscotch flavor.

3. Getting the fake call. 

You ask for 5 cups or more and make a pensive face in front of the stands when all of a sudden you’re mother “calls”.  Even when there definitely was no notification sound. You drop everything except, of course, that your Original Tart sample and make a break for it.

4. Filling up your huge Camelback with free water.  


Photo by Katherine Xiong

You’re parched after destroying a whole box of Blaze and when passing by Yogurtland’s beautiful crystal glass doors, you see the bubbling water dispenser. And there’s strawberries in it. Can’t…resist…

5. You slurp yogurt out of your bowl before you pay.

Lighter weight, heavier wallet.

6. You pop toppings in your mouth


Photo by Katherine Xiong

Make sure the visor people don’t notice. When they do notice, just give them the beagle eyes with your mouth full of bite-sized mochi pieces. Ask, “I can’t sample these too?”

7. Hoarding up sample cups from past visits


Photo by Katherine Xiong

Use them all at once. If the manager sees your white little army and scolds the visored worker for giving you too many, then so be it. If someone has to take the fall, better if it’s not you.

8. After purchasing only toppings, you go back in line


Photo by Katherine Xiong

Fill up previously given sample cups, and pour the yogurt into the bowl. And repeat.

9. Now for the good old fashioned way


Photo by Katherine Xiong

Almost everyone uses  this, which makes you feel a little less bad for doing it. Pour a mound of yogurt into one sample cup that’s high enough to reach heaven’s gates. It’s tricky though. You have to keep the yogurt straight and not all “Leaning Tower of Pisa” so that it topples all over the floor and gets you caught.

If you fall under one of these categories, shame on you. But even bigger shame if you have a surefire way of abusing the sample cup system and decide not to share in the comments below. I bet there must be more hiding among you clever, clever college students.

And don’t worry, we won’t come track you down.

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