It’s almost March, which means warmer weather and the end of flu season — but that doesn’t mean that flu season is quite over yet. With many people battling their last rounds of illness before springtime, it is necessary to take good care of yourself and do the best to remedy sickness.
Along with getting lots of rest and taking medication, there are other ways to speed up the recovery process if you are sick. Drinking soothing beverages with healing properties can help you feel just a little better, warming your body up from the inside out. Here are some drinks for when you’re sick that will make you feel just a little bit better during this last stretch of flu season.
Hot Water With Honey And Lemon
Simply microwave or boil a cup of water, then mix in a spoonful of honey and a short squeeze of lemon. The end result is a wonderfully warm, sweet, yet acidic concoction that both tastes good and runs smoothly down the throat. Hot water with honey and lemon is the simplest drink to make with ingredients already in your home. It’s quick and most definitely efficient in its task.
Throat Coat Tea
Traditional Medicinals offers a great tea that is ideal for sore throats. Popular among singers and theatre kids, Throat Coat helps sooth your throat to make it hurt less to use your voice. Offered in multiple flavors including eucalyptus, elderberry echinacea, lemon ginger, and more — Throat Coat is somewhat sweet with a slight taste of licorice. Warm and fragrant: it will help cure your illness in no time.
Lemon Tea
Citrus has soothing properties, and lemons are no exception. Lemons contain vitamin C, which boosts immunity and helps fight infection. Drinking warm lemon tea is a simple way to get these helpful properties into your system, and it’s delicious. Brew the tea in hot water and add a spoonful of sugar to your liking.
Warm Milk With Honey
For a creamier alternative to water, drink warm milk mixed with honey. Warm milk is so soothing, and frankly tastes like a hug. Honey is full of antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties. Its texture adds a smooth feeling, which can be helpful in coating your throat to make it hurt less.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea is one of the few teas that are decaffeinated, and its anti-inflammatory properties make it a great option for when you’re under the weather. Its mild taste is good for when stronger flavors feel overwhelming and you can’t eat much. Mixed with a small bit of sugar, chamomile tea is delicious and soothing.
Warm Broth
For all the savory lovers out there with less of a sweet tooth, warm broth is a great alternative for when you are ill. You all know that chicken noodle soup is good for sickness, but all broths are good for that matter: vegetable, bone, you name it. Boiling meats or vegetables for long periods of time can help draw the beneficial properties of these foods out into the broth, and liquids are most palatable for when you’re sick.