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4 Flavored Waters to Help You Detox After Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Manhattan chapter.

Whether you were home for Spring Break or partying it up at Panama City Beach, let’s be honest… you ate way too much and unhealthy and drank a little more than expected. We’ve been going at this for a few years now and at this point, it’s obvious that water cures all I mean let’s be honest, there’s nothing like chugging a cold glass of water after a night out. So to cleanse your system after a week of a little too much fun, try adding a few more ingredients with some secretly fantastic benefits.

1. Lemon + Cayenne Pepper

Photo by Alyssa Maccarrone

This drink is known to cleanse the liver, kick start your digestive system, and eliminate toxins in the body. Lemon is a natural detoxifier and cayenne pepper stimulates the circulatory system. Make this drink a warm tea and replace your morning coffee. Start your morning fresh with a warm and tasty energizing drink to reap the most benefits.

2. Strawberries + Lemon

spring break detox

Photo by Alyssa Maccarrone

Need a metabolism booster? This is the perfect drink for you. Not only is it delicious but it has a ton of benefits that help to detox your body and aid in weight loss. Strawberries are known to boost your metabolism, aid in digestion, and even curb your appetite. Lemon is great for digestion and helps to de-bloat.

3. Apples + Cinnamon

spring break detox

Photo by Alyssa Maccarrone

This drink is a great mid-day energy booster. Did you know an apple can give you the same amount of energy as a cup of coffee? Both apples and cinnamon are great energy and metabolism boosters and cinnamon can help with bloat and nausea. Besides the energy boosting effects, this drink aids in flushing toxins and helping you to slim down. Plus it tastes just like Fall.

4. Raspberries + Blueberries

Photo by Alyssa Maccarrone

This drink is perfectly refreshing on a hot Summer day. It’s a great way to get some extra water into your body without forcing yourself to chug plain old tasteless water. Berries are full of antioxidants and can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. They’re also chock full of Vitamin C and fiber which can help boost your immune system and flush out your body. Raspberries are also especially great for your skin, hair, and nails while blueberries are a delicious energy booster. Need I say more?

Remember, water is key to detoxing your body. So if you have to drink a ton of water, you might as well make it fun and flavorful.

Check out some other ways to detox here: