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The Avocado Museum is Finally Here, Thank You Millennials!

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at FIU chapter.

Dear Millennials,

You better start opening up some storage on your phone and getting some cool filter apps, because what I’m about to tell you next will make your insta-obsessed, avo-lovers, photo-addicts inner-self dreams come true.

After jumping into a pool filled with colored sprinkles at the Museum of Ice Cream here in our very own city, I think we can all agree that this once-in-a-lifetime experience would be hard to top, yet sisters Anne Buehner and Mary Carr have done just that by opening the first avocado museum, or what us hip people call it, “The CADO.”

When and Where?

The Museum will be open on June 16th in Liberty Station, San Diego, and will stay there until late August. Although no specifics have been given, it is implied that it will also be open in other U.S. cities as well in the near future.

How Much?

Being that Millennials are the ones to first give the avo-toast its much deserved respect, owners had this in mind when setting prices for admission tickets. Any visitor over the age of 3 will only have to pay $27, with the exception of Wednesdays, were prices will lower to $12 for kids and $22 for adults.

Oh and BTW, tickets are already on sale! Click here to buy yours!

How will it work?

The Museum will be made up of 16 shipping containers spanning for over 6,000 feet and it promises to answer all your avo questions.

Have you ever wondered what a perfectly ripe avocado looks and feels like? Well at The Ripe Room, you will be able to do just that. As if that wasn’t enough, there will also be a 100 foot-long hallway that will display the light-to-dark cycle of the avocado.

“Avocados are already an Instagramable staple in the lives of millennials,” Buehner told Universe.com. “We wanted to dive deeper into its rich story  – how they’re grown, their nutritional value, why buying local is important, and the many other different, delicious ways to prepare it outside of toast and guacamole.”

But wait, there’s more!

The Museum will also have a a gift shop, AKA The CADO General, where you will be able to buy everything you could ever imagine with an avocado design – from totes, to shirts, to to pins. You will also be able to try never before seen or sold avocado products, such as avo-cereal and avo-milk. How delicious does that sound!?

Sadly, as much as we would all love to be able to jump into a pool of delicious guacamole, we won’t be able to. However, I think we can all agree this is a pretty sweet deal, don’t you think?

So what are you waiting for!? Go make you avo-dreams come true.

The CADO Museum is finally here and we couldn’t be happier!

Because the only thing I like better than talking about food, is eating it :)