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You Never Have to Take Out Your Trash Again With This New App

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Vandy chapter.

Most of us are familiar with popular food delivery services such as Postmates, OrderUp, and Favor. At Vanderbilt University as well as on other college campuses we also have seen the rise of student run services such as EnvoyNow. These are all great. We can get a nice meal or exactly what we are craving without ever leaving our dorm. But have you ever caught yourself thinking “I really need more toothpaste. I wish I could Postmate that.” (Yes, Postmate has become a verb). Or, “There’s no way I can make it to Rand any time soon to pick up that package. I’d definitely pay someone to do it for me.” Well thanks to Taskloop, now you can.


Photo courtesy of taskloop.io

Vanderbilt seniors Justin Riele, Mitch Masia, William Doran and Connor Smith have developed the app that is the answer to all our prayers. This new app will allow you to outsource any task you desire. They know college students are busy, lazy or both.

All you do is post the task, throw in a title, and give it a description, price, location and deadline. Potential taskers can accept your task, but it doesn’t stop there. Although the only ones who can access this app are those on your campus with the .edu email address, all college campuses still have a few weirdos. You can choose who completes your task based on the taskers who accept it. Each tasker has a profile and community rating.

“It’ll be significantly cheaper, since you can pick your own price and raise it if no one accepts your task at that price.” -Melissa Masia, sister of CEO Mitch Masia

Not only is this perfect for those who need things done for them, it also works for the college kid who needs to make a few extra bucks but can’t get a legit part time job. Heading to Chipotle and don’t mind picking up an extra burrito or two? Love doing laundry for some crazy reason? Check out the taskfeed and see who wants those things done. The money they pay goes straight to your pockets.

“I can make money conveniently. If I’m at Rand and someone needs a package on commons and I’m on my way there, why not make a few dollars?” – Melissa Masia


Photo courtesy of taskloop.io

The beta test is currently in progress and it seems to be going great. The app is expected to launch at the end of next week. I know I’m excited. Who knows, maybe I won’t even need that summer job.

For more information check out their website or like them on Facebook.